Not Anymore

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Chapter 25: Not anymore

"Sue stop . . ." Gajeel yells extending his hand to keep Sue at a distance. Sue continues walking towards him; "Don't you want me . . . you use to" Sue slurs. "What the hell is wrong with you, put you shirt back on" Gajeel scolds. "See it's that bitches fault that you're like this . . . you use to be fun and spontaneous and now you're boring and dull . . . where's the fun Gajeel . . . the one who use to like to destroy shit and defeat people . . . the mischievous Gajeel . . . My Gajeel" Sue screams. "He doesn't exist anymore and I've moved on from that stuff . . . I have a family now and if you cross the line with me again then you'll be on your own . . . GOT IT" Gajeel growls. Sue begins laughing hysterically "You really think that side of you is gone . . . you can't change who you are inside Gajeel . . . You can try to conceal it but it's just buried deep inside and every time someone crosses you or pisses you off it begins to rise to the surface . . . it's you Gajeel; just accept it". "Shut the fuck up Sue you don't know me" Gajeel shouts. "Oh I don't; who the hell was the first person you met in Fiore? Who was the first person to help you out? Who was the first person to introduce you to guilds? Who was the first person you made love to? And what a passionate love it was and I bet she can't handle you like I can" Sue walks up to Gajeel and taps his chest and runs her finger lower. "Stop dammit" Gajeel grabs her wrist. "Owwwwww now that's the Gajeel I'm use to; I like it rough" Sue moans. Gajeel throws her by her wrist and is breathing in heavily. "Am I making you mad Gajeel; remember what you use to do when someone would piss you off? You wanna do that to me don't you . . . you remember how I use to calm you down? First I would massage your shoulders then start kissi . . ." Sue reminds. "I said SHUT UP" Gajeel interrupt releasing a surge magical power. Gajeel develops a green aura around him and he looks at Sue with eyes full of hate. "Listen if you're here to fuck up what I have going in my life then you better get the hell out of here because I won't allow it" Gajeel yells walking up to Sue. Sue tries backs up and trips over her own feet "Gajeel calm down okay? I was just messing with you okay? I will respect your relationship . . . I was a joke okay . . . Just try to calm down" Sue pleads. "If you do anything to fuck up my relationship with Levy or hurt her or my kids in anyway then you better run because the second I catch you will be the last time you take a breath on this earth" Gajeel growls. Gajeel calms down and his aura fades and he walks away leaving Sue in the streets. "Come in when you get yourself and remember what I said . . . No foolishness" Gajeel yells from afar walking towards the house. Sue nods her head and composes herself. "He's just as scary as he's always been . . . I knew he hadn't change! My Gajeel's still in there" Sue says aloud

When Sue walks in the house everyone looks at her. "Thank you for your mercy Guild master; I am so appreciative and I will prove to you that I can be trusted" Sue declares and bows. "Rise, there's no need to bow . . . you are welcome and I hope you do" Erza replies extending her hand to Sue. Sue takes her hand and shakes it and lets out a sigh of relief. The door opens and Natsu and Jellal come in; what is up party people" Natsu exclaims. "Babe what are you doing here . . . I thought you were training with Gray" Lucy asks. "I did! We finished early . . . we kinda destroyed the training area . . . we owe money to Fiore city council" Natsu mumbles. "Natsu you idiot, really? We don't have money like that to just pay the city council" Lucy scolds. "I know I know; but I did the bigger roar atleast" Natsu laughs scratching his head. Lucy opens up her mouth to fuss more but Jellal interrupts. "Don't worry about it Luce . . . I'll cover it . . . Call it little man's first gift of many" Jellal says. "My God Parents are the best" Lucy cheers. Everyone laughs and Jellal Jr. wakes up from his nap. "Daddy Daddy Daddy" Jellal Jr screams running to his father. "Hey papa's lil man . . . How are you today" Jellal says scooping him up in his arms. "Good" Jellal Jr. says. "Only good" Jellal exclaims tickling his stomach and making him burst out in laughter. Lucy leans in to Erza; "Jellal is a great father . . . and Jellal Jr.'s laugh is so freakin adorable" Lucy gushes. "I'm happy for him . . . It's like he makes him a better person" Erza replies smiling widely at her love. "Come on; Let's go in the backyard to play" Jellal says. "Okay" Jellal Jr laughs jumping out of his dads arms. He walks over to Gajeel and Natsu "Cmon Uncle Gajeel and Uncle Natsu" Jellal Jr. says. Gajeel moans and Natsu sighs but they get up and head to the backyard to play. We have some good men don't we? Levy chuckles. Erza and Lucy nod their heads. They begin talking and laughing and Sue sits there and listens to the women and joins in on the conversation when she feels like it's appropriate. The doorbell rings and Erza shouts out "Come in its open"; Juvia comes in and storms past the girls and goes directly in the backyard. "YOU FUCKING DOG" Juvia yells slapping Gajeel with great force in his face. She takes off on Gajeel punching him and trying to kick him and Natsu grabs her and holds her as she struggles to get loose. The girls run outside after hearing all the commotion. "Juvia what's wrong" Levy screams. "Let me down Natsu, I'm calm" Juvia screams. Natsu lets Juvia down and she runs and grabs Sue by the hair swinging her to the ground. "You needy trifling bitch" Juvia yells lounging at Sue. Gajeel grabs her and holds her . . . "DON'T TOUCH ME . . . I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER" Juvia screams hitting Gajeel in the legs. "Juvia what happened . . ." Lucy yells. "Sue was outside. She took off her shirt. Caressed Gajeel's chest and she kissed him" Juvia shouts out of breath.

"What did you just say" Levy says. "I said that bitch that you let in your home wants Gajeel and I refuse to let her dismantle your relationship from the inside out . . . NOW LET ME GO" Juvia yells. Gajeel releases her and begins to speak "You were there" Gajeel asks. "That's all you have to say Gajeel, we are like siblings and you would honestly let Sue come into your home when you already know the past you two have shared" Juvia yells. "What the hell is going on Gajeel" Levy walks up to him. "I wasn't completely honest Levy . . . Sue and I weren't just friends in the past . . . We had a romantic relationship before" Gajeel admits. Levy hauls off and slaps him in the face making him step back from the impact. "Why the hell didn't you tell me this before I let her in my house? YOU LIED TO ME? YOU LIED!!!!" Levy screams. "I'm so sorry Levy, I felt like it would cause problems to bring up because I'm in love with you and nothing she will do change that! I just really don't want her to be hurt . . . she's my friend" Gajeel explains. "No she is no, she's not . . . she's your ex . . . and evidently she doesn't understand that because she crossed a boundary which leads me to you" Levy begins walking over to Sue. Sue begins backing up but Lucy and Erza block the door leading into the house. "Listen Levy I'm so sorry; I had a weak moment but please I'll just go" Sue begs. "You will go; after beat the shit out of you" Levy declares. Her magic spikes and her hand glows "Solid Script Iron" Levy yells. The iron drops from the sky and begins chomping down on it and once she devours it she takes a deep breath. "Jellal put a barrier on the house" Erza says nonchalantly. "Gotcha" Jellal says grabbing his son's hand. "IRON DRAGONS ROAR" Levy screams releasing a huge roar of iron dust and shards along with wind. "Mirror Guard" Sue screams. The roar is huge and encompasses the entirety of the backyard but everyone is in the barrier but Sue. When the roar dissipates Sue is laying on the floor unconscious and Levy is breathing heavily and begins to tip over. "Meteor" Jellal yells zooming over to catch Levy before she hits the ground. When Levy comes to she's laying on the couch surrounded by her friends. "Did I get her" Levy groans. "You sure did" Lucy says holding her best friends hands. Levy sits up and moans again; "I didn't know that would take so much out of me; Where's Gajeel and Sue?" Levy asks. "Gajeel left with Natsu and Jellal; he went to cool down and they went with him . . . plus Juvia was cussing Gajeel out" Erza explains. Levy chuckles a little "Thanks Juvia" Levy murmurs. "Sue left about four minutes ago, she woke up and left without saying anything" Lucy continues. "Oh okay, I wonder where she is? I really wanted answers from her! Why would she do that . . . is my stomach not obvious . . . He's taken" Levy proclaims. "You know some people don't give a damn . . . that's why I eliminate all my love rivals" Juvia jokes trying to lighten the mood. All the girls begin laughing; "Well wherever she is, I hope she is safe . . . I might hate her but I don't want her dead" Levy admits.

"It's done, I've done what is necessary and what you required of me my Lord" Sue says talking on a communication lacrima.

"Then let us move into the next phase. Levy McGarden, we have unfinished business" A mysterious voice says hanging up the call.



1. Did you expect Gajeel and Sue's past? How did you feel about it?

2. Do you feel Sue is right about Gajeel?

3. Levy using Iron Dragon Roar O.o? Who is the mystery person? What does they want with Levy?

4. How was this chapter and were you happy to see an update?

True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now