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Ishan's residence

Anushka was tending to Ishan's parents while Ritika and Athiya handled the kids.

" We are only doing what is best for him. " Ishan's mother spoke

" We know aunty but he is still so young. Give him sometime. You need to understand. " Anushka consoled Mrs Kishan.

" He is 24 already, how much more he'll grow to take up responsibility!!! He is well settled and we found a nice match for- "

" Yeah a nice match who has been accused of molesting girls , been in jail for number of times for doing drugs and already done three divorce out of which one was the case of domestic abuse. "

Rohit's angry sarcastic voice pierced through the living room interjecting whatever Mr Kishan was saying.

Rohit, Rahul, Virat and Hardik stood there. Anger and disgust were very much detectable emotion on their face especially Rohit who was seething.

" What are you speaking Rohit??? He is Sameer Nanda you are speaking about. They are so influential and respectful people in society. " Mr Kishan countered.

" Oh that we'll definitely see uncle. Let's wait for Gill family till then. Athiya please take the kids upstairs. " Virat spoke in a tone daring anyone to defy.

Another 15 minutes and whole Gill family was accumulated in the living room.

All the wives stood by their husbands while Shahneel stood beside Shubman. The older couples greeted each other in unsure tone. The tension in the room was suffocating everyone but none uttered a word.

Shahneel saw her cousin who stood at a corner, eyes staring in tiles below him and fist clenched. Others too looked pretty much same but not her brother.

He rather looked calm with smug on face.

" You do know something that we don't, right??" She whispered to him.

" Of course I'm behind this tension. Now hush, just enjoy the drama coming up. " He smirked whispering back.

' My baby will be safe now. '

" One question Mr lakhwinder, has Sameer been in scandals numerous times ??" Rahul address the matter though his voice was very clipped.

The Gill's looked quite shocked. This was what they feared. But how come they know.

After struggling a little, he finally answered " I won't lie yes it's true but that was all in the past. Now he is all clean. " Shubman scoffed 'liers'.

Mrs Gill just pinned him one of her glares to which he just rolled his eyes.

" Why didn't you tell us before?? " This time it was Raj. How could they play with his brother's life. He is such sweet and pretty soul.

" Because the matters weren't that serious- " " Then please explain this Mr Gill. " Rohit said throwing the file.

He saw colour drain from their face. ' Nothing serious my foot.'

" Th-this is all ridiculous. It's not even truth. Trust us Mr Kishan Sameer is a good guy by heart. And who even gave you this file. Trust me he-"

" About that, it was me dad who provided Mr Sharma with that file. Oh dad then please explain this one. " Shubman said throwing the newspaper. It was today's article where Sameer was caught drunk driving with two girls in his car.

Apparently he almost crashed to an old couple who were slightly injured.

His anger was digging holes in him. Kishan's looked too shocked to speaking anything.

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