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Navi complex

Ishan came after a much needed shower and walked to the kitchen. He was wearing one of Shubman's hoodie and black shorts. Hoodie was big for Ishan's small frame.

To Shubman he looked cute. His wet hair falling on his forehead and cheeks slightly red, maybe he was blushing.

" Okay baby everything is done. Can you set the table while I go and shower really quick??" He said while pecking Ishan's forehead.

" Of course shub. " He was happy now. He was more relieved to get free from his insecurity, not entirely but to a better level.

After setting everything he sat there waiting for his Maan. All this while he also started taking a mental note on how to decorate and organise the house.

Soon Shubman joined him. This time Ishan fixed the plate. Shubman had made spaghetti and meatballs.

Now that Ishan was okay Shubman broached the topic once more.

" Ishu "

" Hmm??"

" Baby now promise me whenever you are insecure or troubled, you'll talk to me. You will share with me and never think low of yourself. "

" I'm sorry Mani. I got you tensed. Also I promise to share all my problems with you and never let my confidence shatter."

Shubman smiled. His dimples popping out.

" Maan I was thinking if w-we could stay here for some days. " He let out nervously almost hesitant.

" Of love. We can stay till you want. Tomorrow I'll inform your family. "

The little bunny nodded gulping his food.

" Oh and I also decided what I want here in the kitchen and living area. And the type of cutleries I want. "

Shubman nodded and Ishan started babbling everything. He felt his food and turn towards him while speaking. So Shubman took the job of feeding both of them.

His Aan is so adorable that sometimes he wishes to hide him from the world. The way his eyes lit up and widen when excited. His bright smile is so contagious that other person lips too curl upwards.

His eyes caught the the younger's lip movement. Little bit of sauce in the corner looked so tempting.

As if trance, he moved forward and Ishan stop talking. Shubman's warm breath falling on his lips, both their chest rise and fall while hearts raced with thrill. Slowly the older's one hand cupped his face while other snaked around his waist.

He pulled the younger in his lap. Their face was mere inches away. Shubman slowly pecked Ishan's lips corner and ran his tongue licking the sauce and sucking the spot.

Ishan's breathing ragged and whole body shivered. His lips parted and cheeks flushed with warm blood collecting there.

He joined their forehead while both their eyes closed and breathing heavy. Ishan's voice trembled as he said

" Maan kiss me. "

Shubman opened his eyes staring directly in the others. He was looking for hesitation but instead found love in them. There was trust in them.

" Are you sure baby ?? "

" Yes Jaana. "

Shubman did not need to be told again as his lips already found Ishan's. ' so soft and sweet. '

He licked and sucked his cherry like lips. Their kiss started off slow and gentle. Their lips synced as it got intense and more heated. The younger entangled his fingers in others hair while Shubman's finger tugged his hair.

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