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Hello everyone! Thank you for checking out this story. Before we begin, there are a few things I feel necessary to address.

One (haha): This book, while not containing nsfw, will be a bit explicit in dialogue. If you are a minor, be wary as you read, please.

Two: Until I complete this story in its entirety, there will only be one chapter to this book. I just wanted to post this first part as a sample for things to come. Just because the book hasn't been updated for a long time doesn't mean it's not being worked on.

Three: Since ONE is a generally ambiguous show, I will be creating new characters whenever I see it necessary. Most of these characters are based off of OC's I already have. They'll generally have minimal roles, but they need to be included to have a more realistic story.

Four: Charlotte and Parker deserve more content with each other :(

Five: My goal is to not abandon this story. I've already got general story ideas, so I think that my motivation won't dwindle too much.

Six: The events of ONE will be included in this story. I may change some dialogue here and there, who knows.

And seven: Just enjoy the story! (Or the first chapter if you're reading before I finish it) Any comments left behind are very much appreciated!

Eight: (added 2/7/2024) I plan on making three separate phases to this book. Pre-ONE, ONE, and Post-ONE. I will post each part after I finish each section.

Nine: (added 2/13/2024) So there is a new ONE mini series. Investigations. I assume they are going to go over every character, like Owen, Parker, and whoever is related to Amelia and/or Bryce. Hopefully the episode(s) about Parker come out before I get to the post-ONE part of the story because I'd like to be as faithful to the canon as possible. (Hopefully they don't reveal anyone else related to Charlotte or else that'd be awkward hahah)

I'll add more things here if I see need to. Enjoy the show, everybody.

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