Greater Opportunities

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Four months passed. Charlotte was currently working. There was a bitch of a package she needed help lifting. She looked around, hoping to make eye contact with someone who wasn't busy. Ideally, she wanted Parker to help her, since he was the hardest working of anyone. Nobody was walking outside of the trailers, so Charlotte left the package to go find someone. She couldn't find Parker in any of the trailers she passed.

She let out a gruff hum, wondering if he usually worked on Tuesdays. Now that she thought about it further, she hadn't seen Parker at work in a few weeks. She didn't know how to feel about that.

She saw Aaron in a trailer, so she walked to the entrance of the trailer and poked her head inside. "Hey, Aaron?"

He shoved a box into place before turning to look back at her. "Hm? Oh. Yeah?"

"I need some help with a package. Mind helping me?"

"Sure." He started walking towards her, jumping out of the trailer.

She led him to the large, heavy package. They executed a team lift, bringing the package into the trailer. Charlotte gave him a fist bump. "Thanks, man." She smiled casually at him.

"No problemo, Charlo." He clicked his tongue, winked, and snapped his fingers at her. Then he walked out of the trailer.

She hummed, slightly amused. She exited the trailer a bit after. She made her way down the hall, looking for Suzuki. She wanted to ask him about Parker. She soon found him. He was busy doing something on a computer. "Hey, Sue," She started from behind him, grabbing his attention.

He turned in his seat to look at her, brows raised. “What is it?”

"Where's Parker been? I feel like I haven't seen him around in a while." She leaned on the black water dispenser, arms crossed over the top of it.

Suzuki blinked, looking back at the computer. "Oh, did he not tell you?"

Charlotte raised a brow, head lifting up slightly. "..Nnnnno..?" She said, confused.

"He resigned." Suzuki replied plainly, letting his left arm rest on the computer's desktop. "He found another job."

"Really?" Charlotte was surprised. Why hadn't he told her? "Well.." She felt mixed about being excluded from this info, but then she made the conclusion that it would make sense for Suzuki to know. He was a manager, after all. Parker would need to tell him.

"Yeah?" Suzuki asked in response to her stopping her sentence.

"Nothing." She chuckled, standing up straight. "Thanks for telling me, Sue."

"Of course." He turned to continue doing something on his computer. "Oh, by the way," He said as she began walking away. "Wanna hang out later?"

She smiled at him. "Yeah. Sure." Maybe it'd get her mind off of Parker. She still wondered why he hadn't told her. It wasn't a big deal, though. It shouldn't be.


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