Don't Worry About It

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A few months passed. Charlotte’s strange behavior while spelunking persisted. And that worried Parker. A few times he asked Charlotte if she was okay, to which she would always say she was fine. He couldn't exactly accept that answer peacefully within himself. He could tell that she wasn't perfectly fine. But he decided not to push Charlotte.

Life continued on normally for the both of them. Outside of spelunking, they still hung out together, although a little more infrequently. He noticed that, just in general, every time he saw her she seemed unhappy. She wasn't exactly subtle with her emotions.

Parker finished brushing his teeth. He came back to his room, sitting down on his comfortable bed. The TV was on, playing a baseball game. He was a casual when it came to baseball, but he enjoyed watching it once in a while. He moved the blankets over his legs, and turned up the sound a little. He set the remote down and relaxed himself. Tomorrow he had work. He shouldn't stay up too late.

His mind was wandering when his phone rang. He hummed in curiosity, looking at his phone, which was on his bed stand. Charlotte was calling him. He picked up his phone, swiping to answer. He brought it up to his lips. “Hello?” As he spoke his greeting, the phone beeped, signaling that the call had been hung up. Confused, he moved the phone away from his face to confirm. That’s strange..

Brows furrowed, he called her back. The phone rang. Seconds passed. Parker watched the baseball game as he waited. Then, the phone stopped ringing. Charlotte’s voice message system started, and he hung up. She had let it go. Parker hummed deeply, setting his phone down. Maybe she had called him by accident. He put his hands behind his head, trying to relax. His focus switched back to the game. The batter hit the thrown pitch, converting it into a single. Parker’s focus wavered. “If she called me on accident..” He muttered to himself. Then why didn’t she pick up his call to tell him it was an accident?

He uncomfortably grunted, glancing at his phone again. He was worried about her. He picked up his phone again. He was going to call one more time, just in case. If she didn’t pick up, he’d leave her alone. The phone rang three times, then Charlotte picked up. “Charlotte?” He asked before she could say hello.

“..Hey. Parker. What is it?”

“Uh- you called me..? Was that an accident?”

There was an awkward pause. “..Uh-. Nnno.” She admitted.

“W-Well, what were you calling for?”

“It's nothing.” She chuckled lightly. “I, uh, thought I needed help with something, but.. I'm fine.”

Help with something at 10 P.M.? “Oh. Really?”

“Yeah.” She chuckled again, awkwardly.

Everything about this was awkward. There was a pause. “I see.” He finally said.

“Yeah.. So, yeah. Don't worry about it, okay? Sorry about worrying you.”

“No, it's fine.” Parker said casually.

“Hm. So, I guess I'll let you go now.”

“H-Hold on, Charlotte.” He blurted, shaking his head.


“Are you doing okay?” He asked genuinely, but forcefully. “Because I-.. I've been worried about you.”

“Yeah, Parker. I'm fine.” That response sounded half assed.

He let out a breath through his nose. “..Alright. I believe you.” He nodded gingerly, leaning forward. “Well, goodnight, Charlotte.”

“Night, Parker.”


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