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A week passed. Charlotte had visitors. She was escorted to a private room, a glass wall with small holes plastered in front of her. One of her wrists was cuffed to the table in front of her, which was annoying, but she couldn't complain. She wondered who was going to visit her.

Soon enough, the door on the opposite side of the glass opened, and out came Parker first, then Aaron and Carlos. When she saw them, her face lit up with an ear to ear open smile. “Guys..!”

Parker laughed. "Charlotte..!" Parker sat down in the lone chair across from her. Aaron and Carlos huddled next to him. The three stared at her.

"Yo! Charlo!" Aaron greeted enthusiastically.

"Good to see you again, been a while." Carlos kept it modest, smirking.

"I've missed you guys." She had the urge to hug them, but the wall and cuffs reminded her she couldn't.

"We can say the same." Aaron knelt down, crossing his arms over the table.

"What's it like in there, Charlotte? You haven't had any problems, have you?" Parker asked with concern, frowning subtly.

"It's okay, I guess." She rolled her eyes. "It isn't really as bad as I thought it was going to be."

Carlos stifled a laugh. "Hah. The way you speak, it almost sounds like you like it in there."

"Don't be stupid." She snickered. "This one girl tried to fight me and I whooped her ass. So everyone respects me, and I go about my business, wasting the time away until I can get back out there with you guys."

"How long are you going to be here, again?" Aaron asked genuinely. "I forgot."

"Three months." Charlotte let out a breath, slightly frustrated to remind herself of the time she was losing. "By the way, where's Sue?"

"Well, since you're stuck in jail, he's been busy talking with the other managers and higher ups to keep you around." Aaron explained. "He told me to tell you he'll make sure you have a place when you get back."

Charlotte couldn't help but let out a soft breath, smiling stupidly at the floor. "That's sweet of him." She muttered.

"He also told us to tell you he'll come visit you as soon as he can." Parker smiled.

Charlotte felt sad. She missed her friends even more now. They were right here, but they were so far away. "Tell him I can't wait to see him again."

Carlos nodded. "Will do, crazy lady."

She laughed. Perhaps that nickname was warranted, at least a little bit. "What have you guys been up to..?"

Aaron smiled, smirking. "We've been working on this project."

Carlos put a hand in front of him. "Ah-ah, it's a secret."

"I've been researching some places we could go spelunking at once you come back." Parker said enthusiastically. "We'll make sure that you have an amazing time when you get back to make up for these three months."

Charlotte chuckled gently. "You guys.. you're gonna make me cry." She was grinning wide.

"Yoo, do you have a cellmate, Charlo?"

She chuckled again, more lightheartedly. "Yeah. She's kind of a crazy bitch. I think you two would get along, Aaron."

"Be careful not to associate with people who could get you into deeper trouble." Carlos reminded her.

"What are you trying to imply?” She raised a brow.

“If she seems like she could get along with Aaron, chances are she's a bad influence.” He said with a smirk.

“Heyy..” Aaron said with a smile, not taking it personally.

"Don't loop her in with Aaron." Charlotte joked. "She's much less shady than he is."

"Oh? How so?" Carlos leaned forward, a palm against the counter.

"Oh, y'know."

"You're not struggling in there mentally, right, Charlotte?" Parker asked with concern, although he remained smiling.

"No, no." She chuckled. "There are times where I feel sad, but that's because I miss doing stuff with you guys. Once I'm out of here I'll be completely fine."

"I hope you're right." Parker leaned back in his chair.

"C'monnn, man. You gotta trust her." Aaron said, a hand on Parker's shoulder.

"Haha..! I do, I do."

The trio remained for a little while longer. There wasn't too much to catch up on yet, but the social interaction made Charlotte feel a lot better. She just had to survive a few months until she could get back out there. Rebecca will keep her company in the meantime.

It'd be okay.



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