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Three months in jail. And a fine on top of that. After doing all the necessary procedures, she was taken to her cell, where she would spend her first night.

Reluctantly, she stepped inside, arms crossed. Her cellmate stared at her with a smile on her face. Her cellmate was a cotton ball, pretty small in stature. Charlotte was probably taller than her, and Charlotte wasn't exactly a tall person. Her cellmate was laying on the bottom bunk. She was on her back, head laying on the opposite end of her pillow. She seemed.. interesting. Charlotte didn't really want to say anything to her, though.

"Hiiii!" Well, she was going to be forced to, it seemed. Her cellmate waved wildly at her, grinning. Her voice didn't sound like she belonged in a jail. Her grin was very jolly. "Welcome to your new home, cellmateee!"

Honestly, her positivity was infectious, despite Charlotte's discomfort. She sighed. "Hi."

"My name's Rebecca." She blinked at her, still looking at Charlotte upside down. "What about youuu?"

Charlotte was confused. Was this girl in the right place..? "Charlotte." She admitted, climbing to the top bunk to avoid eye contact. When she got to the top, a wall littered with snot greeted her. "Wuh-! Ew!" She reeled back.

Rebecca laughed. "Oh yeah! Sorry about that! My last cellmate made a mess up there!"

"What the fuck..? Nasty.."

"Yeah, she got released today, actually." Rebecca didn't miss a beat. "So now you're here instead! What are you in here for, Charlotte?"

Charlotte huffed, sitting on the top bunk. Surely she could request to get this cleaned, right? She did not feel comfortable being close to this wall. "Theft." She admitted, climbing down the ladder onto the floor.

"Cool! I'm in here for a DUI." The way she said that, it sounded like she was bragging.

Charlotte hummed. "DUI? What were you on?"

"Just plain alcohol." She chuckled. "But I like to use other things like marijuana, cocaine.." She giggled. "I just like being high."

Charlotte crossed her arms, looking at her. She smirked. "Heh. Wanna trade bunks, then?"

Rebecca laughed. "Hahahah..! You're funny- hehe!" She stopped laughing slowly. "I like you."

She smiled sweetly, doing her best to be overly cute. "Wow, I like you too! We should make out." She rolled her eyes, still smiling.

Rebecca really enjoyed her joking, laughing again. Charlotte looked through the jail bars. Well, if she was going to be spending her time with Rebecca, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"Oh- Oh yeah!" Rebecca started as she stopped laughing. She rolled over, laying on her stomach and putting a hand on her chin. "How long were you sentenced for, Charlotte, honey?" She kicked her legs lightly.

Charlotte's small smile faltered. "Three months." She sighed.

"Oh, really?! Me too!" Rebecca enthusiastically replied. "We'll leave this stinky rotten cell together! Heheh!"

Charlotte snickered. "Finding my soulmate in a jail of all places wasn't what I was expecting." She muttered.

Rebecca rolled on her back again, one of her arms laying over the edge of the bed. "You've gotta tell me about yourself now, Charlotte. I bet your life is super interesting."

She stifled a laugh. "Ha- I wouldn't call it that interesting."

"Oh, don't say that! Come on, tell me what your hobbies are."

Rebecca was actually a sweet person. Pretty cute, too. She was a very bold person, though. She lived a very yolo lifestyle, and indulged in illegal activities, not worried about repercussions. But she was always worried about others' feelings and whatnot. She had been in jail for four months before Charlotte got there. Being around her made Charlotte feel better about being in jail.

On the other hand, Charlotte shared her hobbies of spelunking and dirt biking. She talked about Aaron and Parker, since they were the two she did those respective activities with. She also talked a little about her job as a freight handler, although there wasn't much to say about it. She just stacked boxes, took boxes out of trailers, trained new hires, and occasionally drove a cart around for various reasons.

The two stayed up later than they should have, talking to one another. It was fun for Charlotte. It was comforting, soothing the stress that had plagued her before.

Maybe things wouldn't be that bad here.


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