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"Where are you taking me, Carlos?" Charlotte asked in the passenger seat. She leaned against the window, looking out at the dark sky. "This isn't the way to my house."

"Oh, but it is, Charlotte." He shrewdly replied. Cool air blew on their faces. "I know about a back route that I want you to see."

"Alright." She agreed nonchalantly.

Charlotte felt a bit tired from the day's activities. She spent the whole day with Carlos. After eating, Rebecca had to go somewhere and left. The rest of the day, she went shopping, which Carlos generously paid for. It took longer than expected. But Charlotte got some neat things, like a red and black lava lamp.

As she daydreamed, the car stopped. It took the sound of Carlos opening his car door to snap her out of it. She looked around, confused. Wait a second..

She followed Carlos' example, stepping out of his car. She looked at him, bewildered. "Carlos? Why are we here?" They were at Charlotte's new house. Well, the one she planned on moving into before being thrown in jail.

One of his hands was balled in a tight fist. "It's your house, Charlotte." His fist hovered near his mouth. He snickered. "Obviously."

"Did you forget that I got arrested before I made the move?" She wasn't getting it.

He cleared his throat, shaking his head. "Luckily, there were some kind people who decided to do the moving for you." He looked at her. "Catch." Suddenly, from his balled fist, he tossed her a pair of house keys.

Charlotte was able to catch it, despite the dark lighting. She looked at the keys. "Wait.." She took a moment to process this. "What..?" She looked up at him. "You-" She looked down at the keys again.

"Quit standing around out here, you dummy. Check out the interior."

Charlotte's eyes lit up. Did they really..? Giddily, she laughed and ran towards the door. She unlocked the door after a moment of fumbling with it. She turned the lights on in the living room. The kitchen was visible nearby. All the furniture was placed. All her kitchen tools were laid out on the counters. "Oh my gosh..!"

Everything was already in place for her. "Surprise!" A chorus of voices surprised her, revealing themselves from the hallway towards her bedroom. Suzuki, Parker, and Aaron were all there, smiling, excited to see her.

"You guys!" She laughed. They all walked towards her, and she threw her arms around them. "You guys didn't have to.. What?!" She separated, looking around again. She was in complete disbelief.

"We told you we'd make your return as grand as possible." Parker chuckled genuinely.

"Hellll yeah!" Aaron fist pumped excitedly. "I bought some wine for us to celebrate!"

"We've all really missed having you around, Charlotte." Suzuki added.

Carlos finally made his way inside, closing the door behind him. "Whaddya think, eh?" He asked her.

“It's amazing, you guys, oh my god- Hahahah!”

Her friends smiled. It was nice to see her so giddy. “If there's anything that you don't like, let us know and we can help you rearrange things to your liking.” Parker offered.

Charlotte opened the fridge. She gasped. “You guys even bought groceries for me, too?!”

“Yeah.” Suzuki chuckled. “Remember when Aaron and I came and we asked about food you like?”

“Ohhh, so that's why you asked.” She laughed. “Wow, you guys.” She smiled at all of them.

“Well, we're all here together for the first time in a while,” Carlos leaned on Aaron, looking down at the rest of the group. “How about we all hang out at Charlo’s new place?”

“I'm down.” Aaron agreed.

“You know it.” Parker nodded, a confident smile on his face.

Suzuki also agreed nonverbally. “I can't stay long, though. I've got school tomorrow.” Carlos said.

Charlotte chuckled, trying to contain her smile. “You're good.” She responded as chill-ly as possible.

“Then, c'mon man!” Aaron eagerly walked towards the couch. “We gotta make the most of the time now!”

Soon, everyone was sitting down together. Suzuki ordered food from a pizza place. They spent the night playing video games and talking. Carlos left first, as mentioned. Then Suzuki. Parker and Aaron stayed the longest. They both left relatively at the same time. Charlotte exchanged loving and thankful hugs with both of them.

Charlotte laid in her new bed. It felt so comfortable. Better than that stupid jail cell. So, so much better. She stuffed her face into her pillow. Life feels so good.


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