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Charlotte yawned. It was her day off today. She had nothing planned, and frankly, she didn't really feel like doing anything today. She had stayed up very late last night, binge watching a show with Suzuki. She was surprised Suzuki had decided to drive home, considering how late it was when they stopped. She hoped he got home safely. It was already a little past noon when she awoke. She checked the time on her phone, then sat up, drowsily blinking. She also noticed that Parker had tried calling her a few hours earlier. Bits of light poured through the curtains of her apartment's window. She needed a shower. It would wake her up.

She brushed her teeth, and as she took a shower, she wondered what it was that Parker would call her for. Perhaps another spelunking invitation?

She stepped out of the shower, her skin feeling fresh and anew. She looked at herself in the mirror as she dried herself with a towel carefully. She let the towel hang loosely on her head, before picking up her phone from the sink's countertop. She called Parker.

It didn't take long for him to pick up. "Hey, Charlotte! Good morning." He exclaimed in a friendly manner.

It was the afternoon now, but whatever. "Hey, Parker." She put her free hand on her hip. "I noticed you called me earlier. Something up?"

"Uh- yeah, actually..!" He cleared his throat. "I was, uh, hoping I could invite you to dinner. At my house." He added quickly.

Charlotte chuckled, noticing how nervous he sounded. "Dinner, huh?" She smirked, folding her free arm across her chest. "If Carlos heard you say that." She laughed, shaking her head.

He awkwardly chuckled from his end. "..Yeah, I know how it sounds. But it's nothing like that." He assured.

"Then what's going on, man?" She asked more casually, although her smirk was still there.

"Well.. I want to try to make this new meal," His pitch rose slightly as he talked. "And I'm afraid of making too much and having it go to waste." He admitted, his pitch settling down.

Charlotte hummed. "Alright. I mean, you could just put it in the fridge for later, you know."

"I don't like leftovers."

"That's fair." She nodded.

"Yeah, I was thinking that, since you're a close friend, I may as well treat you as well."

"Okay, then." Charlotte smiled more genuinely. "I'm down to hang with you, then. Just don't tell Carlos about this." She joked.

He laughed. "I won't." He paused. "Thanks, Charlotte."

"Thank you, actually."

He chuckled. "So.. see you at, what, around five?"

"Something like that."

"Great. Bye!"

"Bye, Parker!"


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