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A few weeks passed. Charlotte got through all the particulars of returning to a normal life. She was welcomed back to her freight handler job, thanks to Suzuki. She rearranged a few things in her house to her liking. And now, she was back to doing the activities she loved doing.

Parker had invited her to go spelunking with him again. She had missed this excitement. She was in the passenger seat of his car. “Hey, Charlotte,” He started casually.

“Hm?” She looked at him with bored eyes. Traffic was holding their trip up, and it was killing her mood.

“I know this sucks, so, to help you feel a little more excited, there’s a surprise when we get to the cave.”

She snickered, shaking her head and looking out the window. “Another surprise?” She asked, smiling.

“It's only natural!” He chuckled. “You were gone for three months. I had a lot of time to think about how to make our future spelunking trips more fun.”

“Hm..” Charlotte kept her gaze out the car window. “How could you possibly make them more exciting..?” She wondered.

“You'll see! But I think you'll love it.” He replied confidently.

She side eyed him, giggling. “I look forward to it, then.”

An hour passed, but they finally reached their destination. Charlotte took a long, big stretch once she stepped out of the vehicle. She felt fatigued; she was going to have to stretch to wake her body up again. She groaned uncomfortably, reaching high up in the air.

Parker was already at the trunk, opening it up and grabbing his gear. She soon joined him to get her things, too. “So-, mmnh-..” She interrupted herself with a stretch. “What's the surprise?”

“I think they should be here by now.” He smiled at her. “Follow me, I'll show you the way.”

Charlotte followed without saying anything more. But her mind focused on the word “they.” What did that mean?

The pair made their way through the small parking lot. They came to a dark gray car. Parker knocked gently on the driver’s side window. The person in there looked at him, brows raised. The person inside the car opened the door.

It was a man. He was reasonably tall, about a half foot or so taller than Charlotte. He was a pair of handcuffs. The sun gleamed off of his body. “Sup, man?” He and Parker dapped each other up.

“You ready?”

“Oh, you know it.”

Another body rounded the front of the gray vehicle. It was a woman, the same height as the man. She was a pink yarn ball. A needle pierced her body, that needle was tied to her body. It didn't seem to affect her. “We're all here now, then?” She asked.

Charlotte was confused, and even felt oddly threatened. “Uh..?”

Parker chuckled. “This is the surprise, Charlotte!”

She looked at him. “What..?”

The two people that were “the surprise” raised their brows at her. Were they judging her? Parker, a bit discouraged, kept a smile. “While you were gone, I met some people online to go spelunking with.” He explained.

She had been replaced. Temporarily, sure, but replaced. Her brows darkened slightly. “I see.” She softened her expression.

Parker smiled more genuinely. “I'm glad you understand.”

Charlotte understood. She definitely understood.


“Guys, introduce yourselves.” Parker looked at the other two.

“I'm Leon.” The guy said. He grinned warmly at Charlotte.

The girl waved modestly. “Kylee.” She nodded.

“I sometimes call her Ky.” Leon laughed.

“And I sometimes call him Lee.” She added. “So don't get confused if we call each other that.”

“Noted.” Charlotte looked away.

“So, this is Charlotte.” Parker introduced her, putting a hand on her. “I talked to them about you.” He chuckled. “They were really excited to go spelunking with you.”

“You guys have a nice thing going on.” Leon commented, leaning on his car. “It's pretty similar to Kylee and I.”

“Right.” Charlotte chuckled. “Anyways, let's go. This bright sun is bothering me.”

“I agree.” Kylee nodded. “Let's make this first joint experience an eventful one!” She cheered positively. Everyone had their gear, so they all moved to the cave entrance.

As they walked, Charlotte leaned towards Parker. She whispered to him, “How many times have you gone with them before?”

“Spelunking..?” He asked for confirmation. She nodded. “This is only my second time going with them, actually.” He laughed awkwardly. “But I assure you, they're experienced.”

That's not what she cared about. She hadn't been entirely replaced during her absence. Still, it felt like a betrayal to Charlotte. “Alright.” She muttered. She did her best to not sound or seem bitter.

“Ah-, did you forget your helmet?” Leon asked Charlotte. “I have an extra you can borrow.”

Her eyes locked with his. “Uh-, she chooses not to wear one.” Parker quickly answered for her.

“Really?” Leon paused for a few seconds, thinking. “Alright.” He continued walking at an even pace with everyone.

More people who could judge her choices and try to push her. Great. Whatever. Charlotte was going to prove that she was better than these people. She was better than them.


In Charlotte's EyesWhere stories live. Discover now