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A week and a half passed. Charlotte had visitors again. She found it annoying that the jail didn't let her know beforehand. She was having fun playing a game of horse with Rebecca when they brought her to the visiting room. One of her wrists was cuffed to the table again. She leaned forward, her face leaning on her cuffed hand.

The door opened on the other side of the door. Parker and Suzuki stepped through, before the door shut behind them. She smiled a little. "Hey, Charlotte!" Parker waved in a friendly manner to her.

"Hi, you guys." She grinned, brows raised, sitting up straight.

"It's nice to see you again." Suzuki grinned at her.

"Same. I've missed you, Sue." She looked back and forth between the two of them. "What's up? Why are you here?"

"Well, outside of a quick checkup on you," Parker started. "We.. also have something we need to talk with you about." Suzuki nodded in agreement.

"Hm?" She lowered a brow.

"Promise me you'll give this conversation a chance, though?" Parker asked as kindly as possible. "It's about something you may not like."

Charlotte was a bit speechless at that, unsure of how to respond. Subconsciously, she even felt a little threatened. She looked at Suzuki. He nodded at her. "..Uh."

"It's important." Suzuki assured.

"Alright." Charlotte didn't know why she felt so hesitant. She shouldn't be. "What is it?" She recomposed herself, brows furrowing slightly.

"Thank you." Parker smiled lightly. It soon faded, though, as he spoke again. "Your sister recently contacted me." He looked at her for a reaction. She blinked once, face scrunching subtly. "She told me she found out about your arrest and wanted to talk to you."

"But she can't see you without your permission." Suzuki finished.

Charlotte looked away. "Hmph." She huffed quietly. She crossed her arms on the counter. "Why does she even care?" She whispered.

"What?" Parker asked.

"What does she want?"

"h-" Parker let out a quiet noise of bafflement. "She- She wants to talk to you?" He said. They already told her what Audrey wanted.

"I mean, she is your sister, right? It seems natural that she'd want to talk to you." Suzuki reasoned.

Parker nodded. "There isn't any other reason she wants to see you, to my knowledge."

"I don't need to see her." Charlotte said sternly. "I don't need to see her rub her superiority in my face." Her free hand turned into a fist on the counter.

There was a moment of silence, as the two men looked at each other, concerned. "Charlotte, I have to ask," Parker looked at her, using a soft tone. "Why is it that you hate your sister so much?"

"I already told you."

"But, I've met her, and she doesn't seem like a dishonest person at all!" He folded his hands together, frowning, concerned. "I.. understand disliking your parents, for making you feel like the lesser child. But.. But your sister-.." He grimaced, closing his eyes. "Frankly, I feel like she doesn't deserve the scorn you give her."

"What do you know?" She spoke quietly, glaring at him.

"Charlotte," Suzuki started. "Is it an act?" He asked genuinely.

She was taken aback by that question. An act? What did he mean by that?

"Clearly there's something more to your relationship with her that you don't want to tell us." He spoke softly. "Can you tell us, please?"

In Charlotte's EyesWhere stories live. Discover now