Fair Deal

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Two weeks passed. Her court day was today. Over the two weeks, she learned and discussed the details of the case against her. In it, she learned that the cost of the bracelet she stole was actually fifty dollars, not one thousand five hundred. It had been labeled with the wrong price tag. Initially learning that made her livid. She wouldn't have stolen it if she had known that. Additionally, she was told that she was easy to identify due to the missing chunk on her head. That didn't make her feel good. She would avoid telling Parker that detail. And to top it all off, her lawyer told her that the police would normally avoid pursuing something small like this, but the owner of the store was very pushy, which resulted in them taking action.

A string of unfortunate circumstances that led to this bullshit. Charlotte felt like the world was against her. For why? Now here she was, about to meet with the prosecutor. The public defender she had been assigned to sat with her in a secluded room with comfortable seats around a round table. He was an upstanding battery. His name was Miles.

Soon, the prosecutor entered the room. It was a woman; an ice cream cone. Her eyes were squinted, a judging look befalling the pair. She sat down across from them, clearing her throat. "So, I assume you've looked through all the details of your case, correct?"

"Yes." Miles said, sounding tired.

"Then you both must know that there is no chance of a not guilty verdict, right? There is too much irrefutable evidence against her."

Charlotte glared at this woman. She was right, ultimately. Still, it didn't feel nice having it be rubbed in her face.

"So, let's make this quick. I've got a plea deal for you."

"We're listening." Miles responded plainly.

"Plead guilty to it, the owner gets the necklace back, and you pay a fine of a thousand dollars." Charlotte's eyes widened.

Miles looked to his right at Charlotte, looking for her response. She didn't have the bracelet. She had thrown it away. "I.. I don't have it." She muttered.

The prosecutor raised her brow. "Oh?"

Miles sighed, defeated. He shook his head. "Is there an alternative offer you have?"

The woman crossed her legs, leaning back in her chair. She smirked. "Well, this obstruction of property makes things more interesting. I'll give you one more offer, and if you don't accept it, then I will pursue more charges against you." She looked at Charlotte. "Maximum punishment. A thousand dollar fine, and ninety days in jail."

Charlotte growled. A brief, disgusted scoff forced its way out. "Are you serious?! For a fucking fifty dollar bracelet?!" Miles put his arm out in front of her.

The prosecutor frowned deeply. "You stole something which you believed was over a thousand dollars." She snapped. "What you thought you were stealing would have been considered grand theft. This punishment is lenient compared to what you really deserve." Her words seethed venom.

Charlotte backed down. Frustration welled up inside her. Miles took a deep breath. "I think that this is the best case scenario for you, Charlotte." He whispered, shrugging.

Was there another way to avoid this hefty punishment..? "Gh.."

"So, do we have a deal?" The prosecutor asked. "Remember, if you don't accept this deal, I will pursue another charge against you."

"It's your call." Miles looked at her. "But I advise you to cut your losses here."

Charlotte crossed her arms, looking away. "Fine."

"Wise decision." The prosecutor said. She held her hand out to Miles, and they shook hands.


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