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Hello everyone! Welcome back to this story. A few important things before I begin this chapter:

One, I have completed the first (Pre-ONE) major part of three (ONE, and Post-ONE) that will be included in this fanfic. I have not completed the second or third major parts. (this will make more sense in the future)

Two, I will update this book every Tuesday and Friday with one to four parts, depending on how long each chapter is (although typically expect two to three new chapters each update)

And three, I've made some minor changes to the first chapter, so if you want, you can go reread that for small updates.

Other than that, I believe that is all I've got. I hope you enjoy the start of this fanfiction. Updates will start this Tuesday, June 11th.


The group of five determined that they all would all get together for their activities on Fridays. The four added Charlotte to their group chat and planned the dirt biking trip. On the day, Charlotte brought them all to an off road trail. They had rented equipment and bikes from a nearby bike shop. Aaron took almost no time at all to get comfortable with the bike, doing wheelies as Charlotte tried to teach Parker, Suzuki, and Carlos how to ride properly.

Eventually, they learned and got the hang of it, although the three were still far from comfortable. They all began riding the trail, Charlotte slowing down to make sure the three were okay. Aaron went ahead and did a few circles as he waited for the others to catch up.

Parker just imagined it as riding an ordinary bike, just without the pedaling. If he didn't stray too much from that philosophy, he felt he would be fine. "How do you guys feel?" Charlotte asked loudly, riding next to Suzuki.

"I'm having fun." Suzuki smiled.

"You're a really good teacher, Charlotte. I think I'm getting the hang of it!" Parker smiled sincerely.

"Speak for yourselves. This is terrifying." Carlos grumbled.

"I'm having a BLAAAAAST!" Aaron shouted, zooming ahead. He ran up a hill and jumped into the air. When he landed, he couldn't keep his balance and ended up crashing. He ejected from his bike to avoid hurting himself and rolled a few feet forwards, dirtying his thick leather coat. He laughed giddily, enjoying the experience.

"Woah, you okay, Aaron?" Parker asked, concerned as the group of four caught up.

"Hahah! Hell yeah, I am!" He stood up and picked up his now muddy bike.

"Seriously? You didn't feel anything from that fall?" Carlos sounded disgusted.

Charlotte chuckled. "Crashing and falling is a part of the fun of motocross! Just, make sure you bail your ride if you think you're going to crash."

"Thanks for the tip." Suzuki thanked.

"Hey, Charlo." Aaron walked his bike up to her. She looked at him. "You're the expert, do a cool stunt!" He excitedly suggested.

Charlotte smiled confidently. "Hm. Alright. Watch this."

She zoomed forward, gunning for an off-trail ramp. She jumped off the ramp, and began doing a backflip with her bike. The other four watched in amazement. Not only that, but her legs came off of the seat, only her hands holding on the handles. As she got back to being straight up, her legs returned to their spot on the bike, and she landed with a thud, grunting from the impact.

"YOO, that was awesome!" Aaron clapped excitedly.

"What a daredevil!" Suzuki had a raised brow grin, impressed.

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