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Suzuki was at work, on the computer, managing the flow of packages. His phone started ringing. He looked at it, the screen showing Parker's face and name. "Hm." He picked it up. He wondered why he was calling. He was at work right now, wasn't he? "Hello?"

"Hi, Suzuki." He paused. "I know you're not on break right now, so I'll try to make this quick."

He put a hand on his hip. "Okay. Are you on break at your job?"

"Yeah. Anyways, I need to ask for a favor." He said quickly.

"Uh-, sure, man! What do you need?"

"I'm going to schedule a visit with Charlotte on Saturday this weekend. I'd like you to come with me."

Suzuki raised a brow. "Uhh, sure. I'm up to see her again. But, man, you sound stressed. Is there something wrong?"

Parker laughed a little. "Is it that easy to tell? Hahah.." He sighed. "I'm going through a lot of different scenarios in my head to try not to piss her off."

"Try and not piss her off?" Suzuki repeated. "Is there something important you need to tell her?"

"Kind of. It's about her sister– remember her?"

"Sort of." He tapped his foot. "I remember that she doesn't like talking about her." Charlotte never mentioned her to him when they hung out.

"Yeah, well, her sister found out she got arrested, and wants to visit her in jail."

"Ohhhhh.." He thinks he knows what's going on. "And she can't see her without her permission?"

"Yup." Parker sighed. "Charlotte can be a bit ornery at times, so I feel like having you there would help me convince her. You're her best friend, so." His voice quieted during that last sentence.

Suzuki nodded. "Uhuh. I understand. I'll help you out. I don't have any plans, so."

"Thanks, Suzuki." He sounded relieved. "I'll text you the specifics later, alright?"

"Okay. Sounds good. Do you need anything else?”

“Heh. No. That's all.”

“Alright. I gotta go now. Bye, Parker."

"Same. Bye."


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