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Suzuki was enjoying his day off. He was hanging with Parker, since it had been a while since they hung out together. They were at an indoor trampoline park, Parker's favorite place to go when he was a little kid. They finished a match of dodgeball with a bunch of strangers, and were now resting. They both had soft drinks, conversing about their lives in between sips.

"You know, it's been a while since we've gotten the gang together all in one place." Parker commented after a moment of silence.

Suzuki nodded. "You know, it has." He leaned back in his chair. "It's been harder since you got that new job of yours."

Parker chuckled. "Sorry."

"No, you're good!" Suzuki put his hands up a little. "We all understand. Heh."

Parker put a hand on his cheek. "Thanks." He smiled at him.

Suzuki smiled warmly back, taking a sip of his drink. As he downed it, his phone began buzzing. He raised his brows, picking it up from the table.

"Who is it?" Parker asked curiously.

Suzuki put a finger up, signaling him to wait. His brows furrowed, and his lips fell to confusion. Parker hummed, glancing away. "Hello?" Suzuki said. Parker looked back at him.

Suzuki blinked twice, his lips falling ajar. "What? I-" He paused, looking to his right, like whoever was calling him was standing next to him. "You-" His face scrunched, in a mix of concern, confusion, and a hint of disgust. He looked at Parker, finally.

Parker raised a brow at him. "Is everything..?" He trailed off as Suzuki looked away again.

"Yes, I understand." His brows furrowed into sternness. "I have Parker with me right now. I'll bring him there, and I'll come get you." There was a slightly longer pause. "Okay, Charlotte." So, Charlotte was calling. Parker leaned forward on the table. "..Yeah. I'll be there soon enough." He shifted, his phone now hovering near his mouth. "Bye." He hung up.

"That was Charlotte?" Parker asked for confirmation.

Suzuki hummed with a nod. He let out a sigh through his nose. "She got arrested today, and we need to help her out."

Parker's eyes widened. "For what?"

"I don't know. I forgot to ask." He stood up. "But we need to leave."

Parker stood up, too, hands on the table. "But-!" Suzuki stopped and looked at him. "Where?"

"Charlotte's house." He said. "She told me she was packing some things, and she said she wanted some help finishing up what she was working on before getting arrested."

Parker's brows furrowed. There was still an hour left of time that they paid for to be in the trampoline park. It felt bad to waste money like that, but he decided that his friend was more important. So, he nodded and began following Suzuki out of the building. As they walked to Suzuki's car, Parker looked up to the sky. He just hoped that whatever it was Charlotte got arrested for, it wouldn't make him have to question associating with her.

In Charlotte's EyesWhere stories live. Discover now