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The last two months passed. Rebecca had left the jail a week before Charlotte, which felt pretty lonely. Getting over the finish line of this sentence was a pain without her. But.. it was over. She was escorted to the lobby. Carlos was there, waiting for her. Her other three friends were busy with their jobs. “Charlotte! Hey!” He greeted with a large, raised brow smile.

The two exchanged a hug. “Ahh! Carlos! It's so nice to be out of there.” She chuckled.

They separated. “And I'm equally glad to see you out.” He smiled confidently at her. He turned around and began leading her out of the building. "So, first of all, what did you learn?" His tone was teasing.

She sighed. "Stealing is bad." She reluctantly admitted, rolling her eyes. A light smile remained on her face, however.

"Great." He chuckled. "Now, how should we celebrate your regained freedom?"

The two were getting closer to Carlos' car. Charlotte hummed in thought. "Wait upppp! Charlotteeee!" A voice shouted. The two looked at the voice that was calling for her.

It was Rebecca. She was sprinting towards them. When Charlotte saw her, she beamed. "Becca..!"

"Oh my gosh..!" Rebecca laughed, slowing as the pair got closer. "Sorry for showing up late!"

The pair exchanged a hug. They both laughed. "Rebecca! It's so nice to see you again."

"C'mon, honey, it's only been a week." She rolled her eyes, chuckling.

"Still! It was so boring sitting in that rotten cell without you."

"Aww, did you not get a new cellmate?"

"No." She laughed. "And if I had, they wouldn't have been anywhere as good as you were."

"Awwww, I'm blushing."

Carlos stepped up to the two, a hand on his hip. He smirked. "Heh. This was your cellmate, right?" He looked at Charlotte.

"Yeah! She's awesome, isn't she?"

"She your girlfriend or somethin'?" He raised a brow, teasing.

Rebecca eagerly held her hand out to Carlos. "Ooh, you're Charlotte's friend Carlos, right?" She asked quickly. "She told me so much about you. Like how you're super tall." She looked up, backing up and putting her outstretched hand onto her chin. "Definitely true. Ooh! And, she said you lived with your, uh, was it a childhood friend..? Boyfriend..?" She loudly whispered the last word, glancing at Charlotte for confirmation

Carlos was entertained by her high energy. He shook his head, rolling his eyes. "Brother."

"Oh! Yeah, yeah! His name is Aaron, right? He uses drugs, doesn't he?"

Charlotte laughed. "He's lying."

"Huh?" She looked at her.

Carlos laughed lightly. "Aaron's my childhood friend, and, indeed, he does use some drugs."

"They'd get along really well." Charlotte snickered.

"I can tell."

"Oh, wait!" Rebecca bowed quickly. "I forgot. Sorry for interrupting whatever you two were doing together. I wanted to see Charlotte today and showed up suuper late."

"It's all good, Becca."

"We were thinking about what to do to celebrate Charlotte's freedom." He put a hand on his hip, leaning back a little. "Say, you've got any ideas, lady?"

"Hmmm.." Rebecca thought about it.

"Are you hungry?" Charlotte asked Carlos.


"I know a place that makes the food right in front of you, and it's super cool!" Rebecca butted in. "I haven't been in a while, and I want to go again."

"Oooohhh." Charlotte cooed excitedly. "What's it called?"

"I forgot, but I know where it is."

"What kind of food is it?" Carlos asked.


Charlotte looked at Carlos. "If only Sue was here, too." She smiled.

"I can show you guys if you follow my car." Rebecca grinned widely and sweetly at them.

"I'm down." Carlos looked down at his friend. "How ‘bout you, Charlo?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Yay! My car is pink, by the way! I'll wait for you at the entrance." Rebecca started running away.

Carlos snickered. "She is such a funny character. You sure she was your cellmate?" He smirked at Charlotte.

"No mistaking it." She laughed. "C'mon, let's go already! I'm stoked!"

Carlos laughed, following her as she jogged to his car. "Sure thing, Charlotte."

In Charlotte's EyesWhere stories live. Discover now