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Charlotte stepped into the lobby of the police station. Suzuki was there, waiting for her. She couldn't look him in the eyes when she finally got face to face with him. She sighed, her mouth remaining closed. "Sorry." She forced out, a hand on her opposite arm.

"I'm just glad I'm finally able to get you out of there." Suzuki said. He put an arm around her. "What happened, Charlotte? You still haven't told me."

Her frown fell further, shame pouring on her. "..." She grumbled uncomfortably.

Suzuki sighed after a moment. "I understand." He removed himself from her. "Come on, let's get you home.

"..Right." She mumbled.

The pair exited the jail in silence. The sun was still high in the air, yet it had felt like many, many hours had passed. Charlotte sat in the passenger seat, leaning against the window and staring out of it.

The drive back to her home was quiet, only being broken by Suzuki yawning. All Charlotte could think about was how humiliated she felt. Getting arrested over a stupid necklace she stole a month ago. What was going to happen? She was told she was going to be mailed a citation before being released. She needed to do research. She curled up a little, sour. She hated doing research. Suzuki tapped her shoulder, and she snapped out of her daze. They were already here; her home.

She got out of his car, staring at her home. He locked the car. The pair made their way to the front door. It opened, unlocked. The two staggered inside, Suzuki closing and locking it behind them. Parker looked at the two of them. "Hey, guys." His voice was quiet. The two boys looked at their female friend.

Charlotte didn't look at either of them. A spotlight was on her, and she absolutely despised it. A frown forced its way out of her, due to stress, anxiety, frustration, embarrassment, shame, among other negative emotions, both similar and unique.

Suzuki looked at her sympathetically. Charlotte sat on the couch, never looking up from the floor. Parker hummed quietly. The two men looked at each other, seeing if the other had an idea of what to do in this situation.

Suzuki made the first move, kneeling in front of Charlotte, to try to get her to look him in the eyes. "Charlotte," He sighed. "Are you okay?" He asked sincerely.

Charlotte looked at him, before her eyes moved down again. She whimpered in an attempt at speaking, but no words came out. Her face scrunched. She let out an annoyed huff.

Parker sat down next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "We're here for you, if you want to talk about it."

Charlotte grumbled, putting both of her hands on her cheeks.

"Do you want us to leave, Charlotte?" Suzuki asked. "I know you were busy before all of this, so.."

Charlotte looked to the side. She sighed. "I-.." No words seemed adequate. The two looked at her with care. She looked away, embarrassed. She hated this. "Yeah.." She muttered.

"Do you need any help packing?”

She took a big breath. "No.”

He nodded, standing up. Parker hummed. "That reminds me," He started. "I finished packing most of your room." He chuckled awkwardly. "You can.. reorganize the stuff I put away, if you want.."

Charlotte stilled for a moment, her face stern. She grimaced slightly, grumbling uncomfortably. Parker could sense even more unease from her. It was understandable; being arrested wasn't exactly an ideal situation. "Guys," She looked at the two. "Can you.. please.. keep this to yourselves..?"

Suzuki nodded. "You have my word."

"Uh-," Parker smiled awkwardly. "You mean getting arrested, right?"

Charlotte hummed deeply and lowly, crossing her arms. She looked away. "Yeah." She confirmed, barely audible.

"I'll keep it to myself."

She sighed. "Thanks." She put her hands on the couch cushions. She pushed herself up. “You guys can go now.” Her eyes still remained averted from them.

"Okay. But, promise you'll be okay?" Suzuki asked sincerely.

She nodded gingerly. "Yeah."

In Charlotte's EyesWhere stories live. Discover now