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"Okay- rrgh..! Phew! That's the last one, guys!" Parker spoke excitedly to Aaron and Carlos.

Aaron, in his truck, whooped excitedly. "Yessir!"

"Good stuff, Parker." Carlos fist bumped him.

Charlotte's friends, including Suzuki, all pitched in to help move Charlotte's belongings and furniture into her new house. They got into contact with her real estate agent, whom allowed the surprise, since there was a deal in place before Charlotte got arrested, anyways. They had finished placing the last piece of furniture into the back of Aaron's truck.

"Come on, Carlos! Let's get this baby to Charlo's place." Aaron shouted from his truck.

Carlos put a hand on his hip. "Well, guess we'll leave, then." He told Parker with a smirk. "You gonna follow us, or are you gonna leave us to do the hardest part by ourselves?" Moving the big piece of furniture inside.

Parker snickered. "Come on, of course I'm gonna help out."

He snapped his fingers, winking. "That's what I like to hear, buddy."

"Hah," Carlos moved past him "Buddy? I'm older than you." Parker retorted.

As Carlos was climbing into the passenger seat of the truck, another car drove and stopped on the sidewalk, behind Parker's car. It caught the attention of the three men, and they all looked at each other, confused. None of them knew whose car this was.

Soon after parking, the driver stepped out of the vehicle. It was a woman; a bread bun. The surface of her skin was noticeably reflective. She was pretty short; about the same height as Charlotte was. Maybe a little taller? Parker couldn't tell. She seemed semi-stressed. She walked speedily up to the three guys. "Excuse me," She started. The three of them all looked at her curiously. What could she want? "Apologies if I'm interrupting something, but, do any of you know Charlotte?"

Aaron hummed. It was quiet, but loud enough for Parker to hear. "Yeah. We're her friends, actually." Parker responded, gently and quickly motioning between the three of them.

The woman sighed in relief. "Oh, great. I.. I don't know if she's ever told you about me, but.. I'm her sister."

Parker's brows raised. Her sister, Audrey. Finally, he could meet her in person. "Charlotte has a sister?" Aaron whispered to Parker.

He looked at the confused spray paint can. "Yeah." He turned back to Audrey. "Your name is Audrey, right?" She nodded. "I've heard your name a couple of times."

Audrey stifled a laugh, smiling a little. "Huh, I'm kind of surprised."

"Parker, you know this woman? You're sure that's her sister?" Carlos asked, stepping towards them.

"Not personally. I think only Suzuki and I know about her, to be honest." Parker frowned a little. "And even then, it was by chance."

"Why only you two, though? Does she hate you?" Aaron blurted curiously, looking at Audrey.

"I wish I could tell you." Her tone was sarcastic. She sighed.

"Nevermind that." Parker looked at her. "What's up? Did you.. want to talk to Charlotte..?" He grimaced.

She sighed again. "I did. I heard about her arrest." Parker wondered how she found that out. "I tried to set up a visit to her in jail, but I got turned down. They told me that I wasn't included on the list of people that she allowed to visit her." She looked down at the floor. "I'm getting really tired of trying to be the better sister." She muttered.

"Well, that sucks, but," Aaron leaned an arm out of his truck's window. "What do you want us to do about it?"

"You're close friends of hers, right? Could one of you, please, talk to her for me? Convince her to let me visit her?" She sounded desperate.

The three of them looked at each other. A moment of silence passed. Audrey huffed, impatient. She was so antsy. It made a bit of sense, considering that Charlotte has probably been shunning her for a long time. Parker witnessed it firsthand. "I can do it." He volunteered.

Audrey lit up, shocked. "Seriously?"

"Yeah." He rubbed the back of his head with a smile. "I don't know if it'll work.. but.. I'll do my best."

She sighed. "Thank you. What's your name?"


"Thank you, Parker."

"No worries." He smiled. "Give me your number. Give me a week or so, and I'll contact you. I hope I can convince her to talk to you."

"Sure." Audrey pulled out her phone. The two quickly exchanged numbers, and Audrey turned tail, saying a brief goodbye.

It was quiet as her car pulled out of the sidewalk. "Hm. What a busy body."

Carlos elbowed him lightly. “Heyy, got her number that easily?” He smirked. “Didn't know you were that interested in your best friend’s sister.”

Parker glared at him, half serious. “Come on, man.”

He put his arms up. “Sorry, sorry.” His arms lowered. "But, are you sure about this, man? You know how Charlotte is." Parker looked away. "She's a stubborn bitch sometimes."

"You've seen it firsthand, too." Aaron added.

Parker nodded. "Yeah. I know." He looked at them. "I'll figure it out. Now, cmon, let's go. We gotta move this stuff into her house." He smiled.

Carlos nodded. "Alright." He tapped his fist on the side of Aaron's truck. "Let's go, then."


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