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The day came and went. Parker worked. It was a normal, uninteresting day. Charlotte worked. It was a normal, uninteresting day.

Parker got off at five. He cooked himself some food, and brushed his teeth afterwards. Then, he read a book and played some quiet music while sitting on his couch. It was relaxing.

Charlotte got off at eight. She felt drained, slightly fatigued. She refilled her car with gas. She picked up some food from a fast food store. She was too tired to make something for herself. She returned home, ate and watched a show on her TV.

In the back of their minds, they thought about their exchange last night. Parker couldn't help but worry about his best friend’s mental state. Charlotte regretted running away.

Charlotte wasn't very invested in the show she was watching. It wasn't that good. She took another sip of her half drank can of beer. She grumbled uncomfortably. Would Parker even want to spend time with her?

Parker had to reread a few passages of his book, accidentally letting his mind wander. There were various things he thought about, but most of them were related to Charlotte. How she was doing, then where he’d go spelunking next with her, Leon, and Kylee.

His phone rang. Fittingly, Charlotte was calling him again. He set down his book and answered her. “Hi, Charlotte.” He said with a smile.

“Hi, Parker.” She returned, although less positively.

“What's up, man?”

“Uh. Can we talk?”

“Sure.” He leaned forward. “What's on your mind?”

“Well- mm..” She rubbed the back of her neck. “Remember how I called you yesterday? This is.. about that.”

He nodded. “Mhm. I remember.”

“Well-” Charlotte felt so awkward. She had no idea how to approach what she wanted to talk about. “Parker, I-” She stammered. Fuck, why even try to have a smooth transition? She grumbled. “I wanna talk. About Kylee and Leon.” She bluntly admitted.

He hummed. “What about them?”

“Parker. Why did you replace me?”

Parker’s eyes widened. Replace? He shook his head. “Ch-Charlotte..?” He whispered, confused. “What do you mean?”

“Kylee and Leon. They were replacements for me while I was gone.” She bitterly muttered.

His back shot up in his seat. “No, no!” He shook his head. “They weren't to replace you, they were just.. Tch-!” He backpedaled, feeling a bit panicked. Was this why she was being so distant recently? “Well- I didn't want to stop spelunking altogether, but it didn't feel right without you..! Y'know..?”

“So you replaced me with them.” Charlotte crossed her arms, leaning over the table. She frowned, sad. “I get it.”

Parker didn't know how to respond. On the surface, they were replacements. “No, Charlotte.” He pleaded. “Please, don't take it like that.”

Charlotte’s lip quivered. “Whatever.” She sniffled. “Suzuki has gotten friendly with a bunch of new people I don't know anything about at work, Aaron and Carlos would rather hang out with each other, Rebecca has a whole ‘nother friend group she hangs out with.” She sniffled. “I'm just.. everyone's second option.” She put her head down.

“Charlotte, no..” Parker muttered. How should he go about comforting her? He felt guilty, now. Has she felt like this ever since he introduced her to Kylee and Leon?

“Just like always.”

His eyes widened. She felt like a second option..! The same way she had felt around her sister! He put a hand on his forehead. How had he not considered that before? He needed to be much more conscious in the future. Charlotte was somebody who was, although she would hate to hear it, mentally fragile. “Charlotte,” He started, softening his voice. “I want you to hear me out, and I want you to believe me, okay? Kylee and Leon, they could never be a replacement for you. I promise.”


“I looked for other people to hang out with because I missed you, okay?” He leaned diagonally, as if she was there next to him. “Before you left, I had no interest in looking for other people to go spelunking with.”



A quiet hum. “..I guess I did miss a lot. Didn't I?” Charlotte’s voice was quiet.

Parker sighed softly. “Yeah. Yeah, you did. We all missed having you around.”

“I guess.”

“I mean it.” Parker’s tone was sturdy. “We all had to fill the void of your absence somehow. I know Suzuki had a hard time without you.”

Charlotte let out an unsure grumble.

“Charlotte, you're my best friend.” Parker smiled, hoping that she would feel more positive. “Nothing could ever replace that.” He laughed softly at the end.

Somehow, that made Charlotte crack a smile. “..Thanks.”

“Charlotte, is this the reason why you've been acting so distant when we go spelunking?”

“Uh..” She rubbed the back of her neck. “What do you mean?”

“Like,” He paused. “Do you feel lesser because of Leon and Kylee?”

She grunted softly. “nn-.. Yeah.”

Parker frowned sympathetically. He felt guilty that he had initiated those feelings. “I'm sorry that they made you feel that way.”

“It's fine.”

“Do you want to go spelunking by ourselves again?” He asked gingerly.


“I can schedule some more trips for just the two of us.” Parker still wanted to spend time with Kylee and Leon. They were genuinely fun people he wanted to keep around.

“I'd-” Charlotte sniffled. “I'd like that.”

Parker snickered lightheartedly. He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “You sound like you need a hug.”

Charlotte sniffled again, laughing after. “I kind of do want one.”

“I'll give you one the next time we see each other, okay?”

She smiled. “I-I’ll hold you to that.”

“I'll deliver. Don't worry.”

“Wanna talk some more? You're fun to talk to.”

“Absolutely, Charlotte. What's on your mind?”


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