Zoe - Family Reunion

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Percy swiftly freed us from our bonds, and Eurytion remained passive, offering no resistance

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Percy swiftly freed us from our bonds, and Eurytion remained passive, offering no resistance. As the ropes fell away, I rose to my feet, a sharp sting shooting through the back of my hand where the searing coal had made contact. Instinctively, I concealed the injured hand behind my back, hoping to hide the discomfort from the others. I couldn't help but ponder how I would manage to wield my bow or a dagger with the pain coursing through my hand.

Percy ignited the barbecue and tossed the food into the flames, offering it as a burnt sacrifice.

"Thank you, Artemis," Percy said gratefully. "I owe you one."

As the scent of the cooking food wafted into the air, the distant rumble of thunder hinted that perhaps the offering was accepted.

"Hooray for Percy!" Tyson cheered enthusiastically.

"Can we restrain this cowherd now?" Nico suggested, his tone still laced with anger. "And that dog nearly got me!"

I glanced over at Eurytion, who remained seated calmly at the picnic table with Orthus at his side.

"How long until Geryon reforms?" Percy inquired.

Eurytion shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe a hundred years? Fortunately, thank the gods, he's not one of those fast re-formers. You've done me a favour."

"You mentioned you've died for him before," Oskar recalled. "How did that happen?"

"I've been serving that creep for millennia," Eurytion explained. "I started as a regular half-blood, but I foolishly chose immortality when my dad offered it. It turned out to be the worst decision of my life. Now I'm stuck here at this ranch, unable to leave or quit. I'm just here to tend the cows and fight Geryon's battles. We're sort of bound together."

"Perhaps you can change things," I suggested.

Eurytion narrowed his eyes, considering my words. "How?"

I urged, "Start by treating the animals kindly. Take care of them, refrain from selling them for food, and cut ties with the Titans."

The idea seemed to resonate with Eurytion. "That doesn't sound too bad."

"Win the animals over, and they'll support you," Grover continued. "And who knows, when Geryon returns, maybe he'll find himself working for you this time."

Eurytion's grin widened at the prospect. "Now that's an idea I could get behind."

"You won't attempt to hinder our departure?" I asked cautiously.

"No way," Eurytion assured us with a dismissive wave.

Annabeth massaged her sore wrists, suspiciously eyeing Eurytion. "Your boss claimed someone paid for our safety. Who was it?"

Eurytion shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe he just said that to throw you off."

"What about the Titans?" Oskar interjected. "Have you contacted them about Nico yet?"

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