Zoe - Dating and Annoying Neighbours

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Oskar and I went on so many dates over the next couple of months, and it felt like I was experiencing New York for the first time. Walks in Central Park became our regular thing, but that was just the beginning. We visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where Oskar would playfully try to impress me with his knowledge of art, pointing out his favourite paintings and sculptures with contagious excitement. He'd take me to his favourite rooms, standing close behind me, whispering his thoughts on the pieces we admired. Unsurprisingly, Oskar had this bad-boy exterior, but beneath it, he was sensitive, someone who genuinely appreciated art and tried to understand it. He'd talk about the history of the works or what he imagined the artist was trying to convey, and I found myself captivated, not just by the art, but by the way he saw the world.

We also spent hours at the American Museum of Natural History, where I was struck by the vastness of everything, even after everything I'd seen. The exhibits seemed to stretch forever, pulling us into a different world. Oskar, ever the curious mind, asked me questions about the myths and legends I'd grown up with. 

At Grand Central Terminal, Oskar's enthusiasm shifted gears. He became the ultimate film buff, pointing out every corner of the iconic station that had been featured in movies. It was adorable—his knowledge of films was practically nerdy, but it was the nerdy I couldn't get enough of. I'd never seen that side of him before, and I loved how he'd get excited about sharing it with me. Then there was the Statue of Liberty, one of those classic tourist sights I had somehow missed over the years. Being a Hunter hadn't precisely left much time for sightseeing, and now, with Oskar, it felt like I was catching up on everything I'd missed.

We even went to a few Yankees games—his thing. I didn't know the first thing about baseball, but Oskar was patient, explaining the rules and the players while the game unfolded. It was impossible not to get swept up in his excitement. His team was winning, and every time something good happened, he'd grab me, kiss me, and grin like it was the best moment of his life. It was hard not to fall a little more for him every time he lit up like that. I'd never cared much for sports, but watching Oskar's passion for the game made me love it, too—at least for those few hours.

Everything was just... amazing. Wandering the streets of New York, hopping in yellow cabs or renting bikes to ride through the city—it all felt like an adventure. Every moment with Oskar was a new, exciting chapter, and I couldn't get enough of it. Even though he was constantly busy with his classes, he always made time for me. He'd made the university baseball team, which meant more practices and late nights at the library, but no matter how packed his schedule was, he was insistent—at least two or three dates a week. He never let anything get in the way of us. It was like he understood, without needing to say it, that this time together was something we both needed to grind us in the middle of all the chaos.

And for the first time in a long time, I felt like I wasn't just catching up on life—I was living it.

When I stayed at Oskar's place—often for days at a time, sometimes even the entire week—we found a rhythm that felt so natural, so right; it was like we'd been doing it forever. There was an ease to it, as though we were building something. If he came home late from practice or a long night of studying, I'd cook for him, enjoying the simple pleasure of preparing meals together. The domesticity of it all was comforting in a way I hadn't expected—setting plates, cutting vegetables, sharing quiet moments.

Most nights, he insisted on cooking for me, and I was always surprised by how effortlessly he could pull off a meal. Maybe it was the Italian in him, but Oskar was incredible in the kitchen. He could make the most mouth-watering dishes—creamy risottos, rich carbonara, delicate handmade tortellini, perfectly seasoned bruschetta, and light, refreshing Caprese salads. His repertoire seemed endless, each dish more delicious than the last.

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