Oskar - The Morning After

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I woke up before Zoe, her warm body curled against mine, her soft, steady breaths brushing against my chest. I glanced down at her, still half-asleep, and a smile crept across my face. Last night had been... fuck, it had been more than I ever could have imagined. I was addicted to this woman—her laugh, her touch, how she completely unravelled me. I wanted her here all the time, in my bed, on my couch. Hell, I wanted her on every surface of this apartment.

Careful not to wake her, I gently shifted my arm from beneath her and slid out of bed. I figured I'd grab us some breakfast and coffee to make her morning easier. After slipping on my clothes, I fished my wallet from where it had ended up in the corner of the lounge, probably flung there in our rush last night. That's when I saw it—the abandoned condom. I smirked, remembering how Zoe had told me it was okay to go bare. Being inside her without anything between us had felt like heaven on earth and the fact that she trusted me enough to let me? That made it even more perfect.

With a grin still on my face, I shrugged on my leather jacket and headed out the door, mind racing with thoughts of her. I wasn't entirely sure how Zoe liked her coffee, but I figured two lattes would cover it. I grabbed a few pastries—danishes, croissants, and enough variety so she'd have something she liked.

When I returned to the flat, fresh coffee filled the air. I walked inside, and there she was, standing in the kitchen. My breath hitched for a second as I took her in. Fuck. She was wearing my shirt from last night. It hung loose on her, reaching just above her knees, her hair still tousled from sleep. She looked so damn gorgeous standing there, effortlessly sexy, like she belonged in this apartment.

Holy hells, how did I get this lucky?

"Morning," I said, trying to keep my cool but failing to hide the hunger in my eyes.

Zoe turned, giving me a soft smile that sent my heart racing. "Morning. What did you bring?"

I held up coffee and pastry bags. "Lattes and pastries. Figured I'd cover all the bases."

She raised an eyebrow, eyeing the spread with an amused grin. "I could get used to this."

I walked over to her, setting everything down on the counter before slipping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. "You look... amazing," I whispered, unable to stop pressing a kiss to her neck. The scent of her, the feel of her skin—it was like I couldn't get enough.

She laughed softly, the sound sending warmth through me. "I'm wearing your shirt, Oskar."

"Exactly," I muttered against her skin, tightening my grip slightly as I whispered, "And that's the problem. You look way too good in it."

Her fingers curled into the fabric of my jacket, and for a moment, I forgot about breakfast and coffee. It didn't matter. All that mattered was how she fit in my arms and looked at me like I was the only one who existed in her world.

But as much as I wanted to pull her back to bed, I stepped back, reaching for the coffee and handing it to her. "Drink up," I said with a grin. "You're going to need the energy."

Zoe raised an eyebrow but took the cup, her smile never fading.


We had sex three more times—once in the shower, then back in bed, and once more in the shower—before Zoe, with that fire in her eyes, finally demanded that we start the day and get out to enjoy New York. 

By the time we dressed, it was 10:00, and I was still buzzing from everything. Zoe had borrowed my pastel blue shirt, pairing it with her jeans and boots, and with her hair in that familiar plait, she looked effortlessly gorgeous. Sure, she looked amazing in that white dress last night, but this—this was the Zoe I'd first been drawn to. The warrior princess, ready for anything. She was fucking hot, and I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

I grinned at her as we left and said, "We'll go to Central Park and grab some coffee."

Zoe arched a brow, her expression amused. "More coffee? You're an addict."

I chuckled, locking the door behind me as we entered the hallway. "It's one of my many addictions," I teased, winking at her.

She rolled her eyes but smiled. Behind us, I heard the familiar sound of the neighbour's door creaking open. 

I turned to see Michaela stepping out. Michaela was a junior at Columbia, studying civil engineering. She'd moved in at the same time I did, and over the weeks, we'd become friendly neighbours. We often borrowed milk or eggs from each other, and it wasn't uncommon to chat about the endless deluge of homework and the pressures of balancing school with everything else. I liked her—she was easy to get along with.

"Hey, Oskar," Michaela said, offering me a small smile as she adjusted the backpack slung over her shoulder. Her eyes flicked briefly to Zoe, curiosity flashing in her expression, but she kept it polite.

"Hey, Michaela. Heading out?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation casual.

"Yeah, another day of drowning in problem sets," she sighed, then paused, her eyes lingering, clearly waiting for an introduction. I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling a little awkward. I wasn't sure how to handle this moment—how to define what Zoe and I were.

"This is, um, my..." I trailed off, almost saying girlfriend, but I was unsure if that was what Zoe would want me to say. After a brief pause, I settled on "Zoe."

Michaela nodded, giving Zoe a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you. Michaela."

Zoe smiled politely in return. "You too."

Michaela turned her attention back to me, her curiosity still simmering beneath the surface. "What are you two up to?"

"Central Park," I replied. "Coffee and some fresh air before I start thinking about school again."

Michaela laughed, shaking her head. "You and your coffee. Enjoy the park."

"Thanks," Zoe said, flashing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Something about it felt off, and I could sense it instantly. With a final wave, Michaela headed down the hallway, leaving just Zoe and me standing there.

"She seems nice," Zoe commented as we exited the building, but her voice lacked its usual warmth. She wasn't even looking at me when she said it; her gaze focused somewhere ahead.

Curious, I turned around and started walking backwards to look at her directly, frowning as I studied her expression. "She is nice," I said slowly. "What's the matter?"

Zoe crossed her arms, clearly trying to dismiss whatever was bothering her. "Nothing. Look where you're going."

I didn't stop, though, continuing to walk backwards. "People walking forward can pay attention to me," I teased lightly, hoping to break through whatever wall she was putting up. "Now, what's got you looking so glum? Something wrong with the pastries? Custard is always risky."

That earned me a slight smile from Zoe, the corners of her lips twitching as she muttered, "Shut up."

I grinned, stepping forward again, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and pulling her close. "There she is," I said, my voice softer now. "Now, coffee and then we're walking around Central Park. No corner will be forgotten."

Zoe raised an eyebrow. "Sounds excessive."

I leaned in, nuzzling her neck, my breath warm against her skin as I whispered, "Have you met me?"

Zoe chuckled softly, the sound finally easing some of the tension I'd felt between us. Whatever had been bothering her, at least now, she seemed more at ease.

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