Annabeth - Red Truck

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Annabeth gripped the edge of Apollo's chariot as they soared through the sky, the golden wheels gliding effortlessly across the clouds. Beside her, Butch guided the pegasi with steady hands while Clarisse leaned back, her boots propped up as she scanned the horizon. The scenery below them passed in a blur of cities, forests, and rivers—an endless stretch of the country. 

The chariot cut through the air with a sense of urgency, but Annabeth's mind was miles ahead of them, preoccupied with worries. The cold wind nipped at her face, but the frigid air didn't make her shiver—the thoughts swirling inside her head—about Percy, Oskar, and the future.

Khione, the snow goddess, had taken Oskar. Annabeth couldn't shake the feeling that time was slipping away too quickly, that if they didn't reach him soon, Khione's intentions for him—whatever they were—would unfold in a way none of them could fix. Oskar was tough, but even the strongest demigods had their limits, especially against the whims of a goddess.

And then there was Percy. Her heart clenched at the thought. Jason's revelation that Percy was likely at the Roman camp, possibly with no memory of who he was—or worse, no memory of her—made her stomach twist. The idea that Percy might have forgotten their time together, their adventures and their connection was almost too painful to bear. Annabeth had always been able to rely on her intelligence and plans, but how could she plan for something like this? How could she fix it when her best weapon—Percy's memory—might be gone?

Clarisse shifted in the seat beside her, jolting Annabeth from her thoughts. They were nearing California now, the golden hills rolling beneath them as Butch brought the chariot lower toward the ground. The sky had turned a hazy orange as the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting long shadows over the highway below.

"We're getting close," Clarisse muttered, eyes scanning the road for any sign of Oskar's truck. "Red, right?"

Annabeth nodded, her sharp eyes scanning the road below for any sign of the familiar red truck. She couldn't help but think of the day Oskar had brought it to Camp Half-Blood, beaming like a proud parent showing off a new child. He'd gone on and on, explaining every detail about Ruthie—how he'd restored it from scratch, the custom parts he'd handpicked, and how it efficiently handled every terrain. He'd spoken with such excitement, his enthusiasm almost overwhelming. Annabeth had tried to keep up, but truthfully, she hadn't paid attention to the technical details. It wasn't until Zoe had finally intervened, placing a hand over Oskar's mouth with a knowing smile, that he'd finally stopped talking.

That memory stood out to her now, not because of the truck but because of how Oskar and Zoe looked at each other. Zoe's hand had lingered on Oskar's shoulder, a simple gesture filled with a tenderness Annabeth hadn't missed. And Oskar—his whole demeanour had shifted, softening in a way that was rare for him. Annabeth had suspected something was between them for a while, but neither had made it obvious. They'd been careful, keeping any public displays of affection to a minimum, as if they were afraid of what others might think.

But despite their caution, the connection between them had been undeniable. The way Oskar's eyes tracked Zoe's every move, the way Zoe seemed to relax whenever he was near—it was clear they shared something deeper. They didn't need to say anything; their glances and body language spoke volumes. And it wasn't just when they were at rest. Annabeth had watched them fight side by side during the quest, moving in sync as if they were extensions of each other. Their movements were fluid and perfectly timed—each seemed to know exactly what the other was thinking without needing words. That kind of bond was rare, even among demigods.

"Anything?" Clarisse asked, breaking into Annabeth's thoughts.

Annabeth shook her head, her eyes scanning the horizon. "Not yet. We'll find her."

They had to. There was no other option.

And then, just as the road curved ahead, Annabeth's heart skipped a beat. There it was—a flash of red, parked just off the highway like a beacon waiting for them.

"There!" she called out, pointing toward the truck.

Butch guided the chariot down, the pegasi landing with a clumsy thud right in front of the red truck, almost hitting it. The noise was anything but subtle. 

Clarisse muttered under her breath, "Smooth landing."

Butch shot her a look, unamused. "You try doing it better."

Annabeth hopped off the chariot quickly.

The awkward landing must have caught Zoe's attention because she stepped out of the truck, her expression confused. Annabeth noted Zoe was dressed like a Hunter again, which caught her off guard. It reminded her of the time they'd ventured into the Labyrinth together before Zoe had left the Hunters of Artemis. But then Annabeth remembered—they'd run into Thalia recently. She must've gotten new clothes from her.

Zoe's confusion deepened as she looked between the chariot and the group. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping," Annabeth replied simply before pulling Zoe into a tight hug. Zoe hesitated momentarily, her arms hanging stiffly at her sides, but then she relaxed and returned the hug. Annabeth whispered, "We'll find him and bring him back."

Zoe didn't say anything. She just nodded, her usual composed demeanour masking the worry Annabeth knew she was feeling.

They returned to the chariot, Zoe glancing back at the truck with concern. "What about the truck?" she asked, her voice tense. Oskar's truck meant a lot to him, and the last thing Zoe wanted was for it to be stolen while they were off rescuing him.

Butch rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he sized up the situation. "We can't just leave it here. Someone's bound to notice eventually."

Annabeth nodded, frowning. "We need to hide it. Somewhere secure, where it won't draw attention."

Butch's face lit up as an idea struck him. "Wait, I've got just the thing."

He rummaged through the back of the chariot and pulled out a large, folded tarp that shimmered with an enchanted glow. "This is magic. We can cover the truck, which blends into its surroundings. No one will even know it's here."

Zoe raised an eyebrow, a little sceptical but visibly impressed. "That might work."

Butch moved the truck to the verge, tucking it behind a hedge before carefully spreading the tarp over it. They watched as the material shimmered, then seemed to merge with the landscape, rendering the vehicle practically invisible. Zoe's tension eased a bit, satisfied that the truck was safe.

"All right," Butch said, climbing back into the chariot. "That should keep it hidden for now."

With one last look at the hidden truck, Zoe and Annabeth climbed into the chariot beside him. 

"Next stop, Quebec," Butch said, steering the pegasi skyward.

As they took off into the air, Annabeth glanced at Zoe. Despite her outward calm, a fire in Zoe's eyes told Annabeth she wouldn't stop until Oskar was safe.

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