Zoe - First Date

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It had been a few weeks since Oskar left for Columbia, and while the initial sting of his absence had faded, the ache of missing him never really went away. We had been in constant contact—frequent, actually, nearly every day. As demigods, phones weren't an option for us, but Iris messaging had become our lifeline. Every time that shimmering rainbow appeared, bringing his face into view, I felt a little bit lighter, like he was still close by. We'd talk for hours, sometimes until late into the night.

Oskar loved telling me about his new apartment and how much better it was than the dorms. He said the dorms were loud and cramped, and the apartment was just more him. I could picture it easily—the clean lines, the well-chosen furniture, everything in its place. That was so Oskar. His stories about his studies and campus life were fascinating. He was always learning something new, throwing himself into his classes, and even though I'd tease him about being a freshman, I could tell he was taking it all seriously.

But there was one thing I didn't say out loud, something that gnawed at the back of my mind. Oskar was a freshman, which meant parties—social events, gatherings with people I didn't know. Girls, I didn't know. I tried not to let it get to me, but I felt slightly uneasy whenever he mentioned a party or something he was invited to. I trusted Oskar completely. I knew he'd never do anything to betray me, but still, that worry lingered; it was quiet but persistent.

Oskar was... well, he was undeniably attractive. Very attractive. Tall, lean, and with this effortless confidence that made him stand out wherever he went. It wasn't just his looks, though they were striking—dark, messy hair that always seemed perfectly tousled, sharp features, and those eyes that seemed to hold a secret behind them. But it was how he carried himself as if he knew exactly who he was and didn't need to prove anything to anyone. It drew people in without him even trying.

He dressed well, too, always effortlessly put together, whether in casual clothes or something more polished. It was like he had a natural sense of style, a sharp eye for the details that made people take notice. And then there was his charm—Oskar had this way of making everyone around him feel at ease. He didn't need to do much, just a casual smile or a few well-placed words, and people were hooked. His magnetic presence made heads turn when he walked into a room.

I had seen how the girls at camp looked at him—how could I not? The sideways glances, the lingering stares when they thought no one was watching. It wasn't hard to imagine what they were thinking, and I couldn't blame them.

Oskar was the kind of guy that naturally caught people's attention. And now, he was out there, surrounded by new faces and new people, and I knew there'd be girls who would fall for him just as easily as I had.

The thought gnawed at me sometimes when we weren't talking, the quiet moments where my mind would wander and imagine him meeting someone who didn't come with all the baggage of being a demigod, someone normal.

I hated that I worried. It wasn't like me to be insecure, but with Oskar, it was different. I cared about him more than I'd ever thought possible, which made me vulnerable in a way I wasn't used to. He'd never given me a reason to doubt him, but the fear crept in whenever I thought too hard about his new life. I didn't want to be that person—the one who worried for no reason—but it was hard to shake the feeling that, no matter how strong we were, the distance between us might change things.

I tried to push those thoughts away, focusing instead on the good. The way he smiled whenever he saw me through the Iris message, the sound of his laugh, the way he always asked how my day was, even when I was the one wanting to hear about his.

Now, I was driving to Oskar's apartment for our first date. He hadn't told me what he had planned or where we were going, only that I should "look nice."

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