Percy - Goodbye to Rachel Elizabeth Dare

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The labyrinth made distances seem shorter. Nonetheless, as Rachel guided them back to Times Square, Percy felt they had traversed the span from New Mexico on foot. Emerging from the Marriott basement, they blinked in the bright summer daylight, taking in the bustling streets and traffic. Percy couldn't determine which felt less tangible—New York or the crystalline cave where he had witnessed a god's demise.

Leading the group into an alley, Percy aimed for an echo and let out a series of loud whistles. Moments later, Rachel exclaimed, "They're beautiful!"

A flock of pegasi descended from the sky, weaving gracefully between the towering buildings. In the lead was Blackjack, accompanied by six other winged companions.

"Yo, boss!" Blackjack's voice echoed in Percy's mind. "You made it!"

"Yeah," Percy replied. "I seem to have a knack for it. We need a quick ride back to camp."

"That's my speciality! Oh man, you've got that Cyclops with you? Yo, Guido! How's your back holding up?"

Amid Guido's groans and complaints, he reluctantly agreed to carry Tyson. The others made their way to the pegasi, leaving Percy and Rachel together, alone. 

"Well," she said, turning to Percy, "I suppose this is goodbye."

Percy nodded, knowing she couldn't accompany them to camp. He glanced at Annabeth, who was feigning busyness with her pegasus.

"Thank you, Rachel," Percy said sincerely. "We wouldn't have succeeded without you."

"I wouldn't have missed it. Except for, you know, the near-death experiences and Pan..." Rachel's voice trailed off.

"He mentioned something about your father," Percy recalled. "What did he mean?"

Rachel fidgeted with her backpack strap. "My dad... He's a well-known businessman."

"So, you're wealthy?" Percy clarified.

"Yeah," Rachel affirmed.

"So that's how you got the chauffeur to help us? You just said your dad's name and—" Percy began.

"Yes," Rachel interjected. "Percy... my dad's a land developer. He flies all over the world, seeking out undeveloped land." She took a shaky breath. "The wilderness. He... he buys it up. I despise it, but he razes it down and erects unsightly subdivisions and shopping centres. And now that I've witnessed Pan... Pan's demise—"

"Hey, you can't blame yourself for that," Percy interjected.

"You don't know the worst of it. I... I don't like to talk about my family. I didn't want you to know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

"No," Percy assured her. "It's alright. Look, Rachel, you did amazing. You guided us through the maze, and you were incredibly brave. That's the only thing I'm going to judge you on. I don't care what your dad does."

Rachel looked at him gratefully. "Well... if you ever feel like hanging out with a mortal again... you could call me or something."

"Uh, yeah. Sure."

She furrowed her brows. Percy sensed he might have come off as unenthusiastic, but that wasn't his intention. He wasn't sure what to say with all his friends standing around, and his emotions had been jumbling the past few days.

"I mean... I'd like that," Percy clarified.

"My number's not in the book," she mentioned.

"I've got it."

"Still on your hand? No way."

"No. I kinda... memorized it."

Her smile returned slowly but much brighter. "See you later, Percy Jackson. Go save the world for me, okay?"

She walked off down Seventh Avenue, disappearing into the crowds.

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