Percy - Crossing Horizons

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The end of the world seemed to begin when a pegasus landed unexpectedly on the hood of Percy's car.

Before that moment, Percy's afternoon had been going quite well. 

Even though he wasn't technically supposed to be driving—his sixteenth birthday was still a week away—his mom and stepdad, Paul, had decided to take him and his friend Rachel to a secluded beach on the South Shore. Paul had generously allowed them to take a brief spin in his Prius.

Now, Percy understood what people might think about Paul's decision—how irresponsible it seemed. But Paul knew Percy pretty well. Having witnessed Percy confront demons and escape from exploding school buildings, a short drive probably didn't even register on Paul's danger radar.

As Percy and Rachel cruised along, the August sun beating down on them, the atmosphere was positively idyllic. With her fiery red hair pulled back into a ponytail, Rachel looked stunning in her white blouse over her swimsuit. It was a stark departure from her usual attire of ratty T-shirts and paint-splattered jeans, and she shone like a golden drachma.

"Pull over here!" Rachel exclaimed suddenly, gesturing excitedly.

Percy obliged, parking the car on a ridge overlooking the majestic Atlantic. The sea, always a source of solace for Percy, seemed particularly tranquil that day—its surface shimmering with a captivating emerald hue, as if Percy's dad, Poseidon, was personally ensuring its serenity.

"So," Rachel said, flashing Percy a smile. "About that invitation."

Percy tried to muster up enthusiasm in his response. She had invited him to her family's vacation home on St. Thomas for three days—an opportunity Percy didn't get often. While Percy's family's idea of a fancy getaway typically involved a rundown cabin on Long Island and a couple of frozen pizzas, Rachel's offer to accompany her to the Caribbean was tantalizing.

Plus, Percy desperately needed a break. This summer had been one of the toughest of his life, and the idea of escaping even for a few days was incredibly tempting.

However, looming over Percy was the knowledge that something significant was about to unfold at any moment. He was essentially "on call" for a mission, waiting for the inevitable. To make matters worse, his birthday was looming just around the corner. A prophecy predicted that when he turned sixteen, chaos would ensue.

"Percy," Rachel said, her tone filled with understanding, "I know the timing is less than ideal. But let's face it, it's always been tough for you, right?"

She had a valid point.

"I want to go," Percy assured her earnestly. "It's just—"

"The war," Rachel finished for him, her voice heavy with their shared burden.

Percy nodded. Though he disliked dwelling on the subject, Rachel knew of the ongoing conflict. Unlike most mortals, she possessed the ability to see through the Mist—the magical veil that concealed the truth from human eyes. She had encountered monsters, interacted with fellow demigods battling the Titans and their allies, and even witnessed the terrifying resurrection of Lord Kronos last summer. Rachel had earned Percy's utmost respect when she courageously struck Kronos in the eye with a blue plastic hairbrush.

Holding a comforting hand on Percy's arm, Rachel gently urged him, "Just think about it, okay? We don't leave for a couple of days. My dad..." Her voice trailed off, revealing the underlying tension in her family dynamics.

"Is he giving you a hard time?" Percy inquired, concern evident in his voice.

Rachel shook her head, her expression tinged with frustration. "He's attempting to be accommodating, which is almost worse. He wants me to attend Clarion Ladies Academy in the fall."

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