Oskar - Zoe's Tent

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We gathered at the campfire for Beckendorf's farewell ceremony the next afternoon. 

Even the Ares and Apollo cabins set aside their differences to pay their respects. 

Beckendorf's shroud, crafted from metal links resembling chain mail, seemed unlikely to burn. However, with the mysterious aid of the Fates, the metal melted in the flames, transforming into golden smoke that ascended into the sky. The campfire's flames mirrored the sombre mood of the campers, burning darkly. 

I silently hoped that Beckendorf's spirit would find peace in Elysium. 

Perhaps he would even choose to be reincarnated and strive for Elysium in multiple lifetimes, aiming to reach the Isles of the Blest, the ultimate gathering place in the Underworld. If anyone deserved such tranquillity, it was Beckendorf. 

Most of the other campers dispersed to resume their daily activities. 

Lost in thought, I remained by the dwindling fire; Percy sat next to me. 

Nearby, Silena wept, comforted by Clarisse and her boyfriend, Chris Rodriguez. 

Percy approached Silena. "Hey, Silena, I'm sorry." 

She sniffled, and though Clarisse's glare was ever-present, Chris' gaze barely met Percy's. 

Having been one of Luke's followers until Clarisse rescued him from the Labyrinth the previous summer, he seemed burdened by guilt. 

Clearing his throat, Percy continued, "Silena, you know Beckendorf carried your picture. He looked at it right before we went into battle. You meant a lot to him. You made the last year the best of his life." 

Silena's sobs intensified. 

"Good job, Percy," Clarisse muttered. 

"No, it's okay," Silena managed. 

"Thank... thank you, Percy. I should go." 

"You want someone to go with you?" Clarisse offered. Silena shook her head and hurried away."She's tougher than she looks," Clarisse remarked, almost to herself. "She'll get through this."

"You could help her," Percy suggested. "You could honour Beckendorf's memory by fighting alongside us."

Clarisse reached for her knife, only to find it missing. She had thrown it on the Ping-Pong table in the Big House. 

"Not my issue," she grumbled. "My cabin won't fight if there's no honour." 

"Fine," Percy said, "I didn't want to bring this up, but you owe me. If it weren't for me, you'd be trapped in a Cyclops's cave in the Sea of Monsters." 

She gritted her teeth. "I owe you one, Percy. But not this. The Ares cabin has been disrespected one too many times. And don't think I don't hear what people say about me behind my back." 

"So, what? You're just going to stand by while Kronos crushes us?" Percy questioned. 

"If you want my help that badly, tell Apollo to give us the chariot," she replied. 

"You're acting like a child," Percy sighed, and I felt frustrated at his words. 

Clarisse surged forward, her anger palpable, but I stepped between them, facing her squarely. Though Clarisse was tall, I towered over her, having grown significantly over the year to reach at least 6 feet 4 inches. Her jaw tightened in frustration, realizing she couldn't bypass me to confront Percy. Her gaze bore into me, brimming with resentment. I could tell she still harboured feelings of betrayal from my refusal to side with her in this petty quarrel between Apollo and Ares. 

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