Zoe - A Respite from Battle

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Thalia, a few Hunters, and I entered the Plaza's living room to give our report.

We found Grover already in there with Percy, Oskar and Jake Mason. 

Grover was having a snack. Clad in an armoured shirt crafted from tree bark and twist ties, he appeared ready for combat with his wooden cudgel and reed pipes hanging from his belt.

The Demeter cabin had orchestrated a lavish buffet in the hotel kitchens, offering everything from pizza to pineapple ice cream. 

Unfortunately, Grover seemed more interested in the furniture. He had already stripped the stuffing from a fancy chair and was now gnawing on the armrest.

"Dude," Percy interjected, "we're only borrowing this place."

"Blah-ha-ha!" Grover chuckled bits of stuffing clinging to his face. "Sorry, Percy. It's just... Louis the Sixteenth furniture. Delicious. Plus, I always eat furniture when I get—"

"When you get nervous," Percy finished. "Yeah, I know. So what's on your mind?"

Grover shifted on his hooves. "I heard about Annabeth. Is she...?"

"She's going to be fine. She's resting," Percy reassured him.

Grover took a deep breath. "That's a relief. I've rallied most of the nature spirits in the city—well, the ones that will heed my call, anyway." He rubbed his forehead. "I had no idea acorns could inflict so much pain. Regardless, we're doing everything we can to assist."

He recounted the skirmishes they had encountered, focusing primarily on uptown, where demigods were in short supply. Hellhounds had infiltrated their lines through shadow-traveling, and the dryads and satyrs had been engaged in fierce battles to repel them. A young dragon had emerged in Harlem, losing a dozen wood nymphs before the creature was vanquished.

Thalia nodded to me grimly. "I'm going to check on Annabeth quickly," she said quietly, then went outside to see her. 

I nodded mutely, my gaze lingering on Oskar as he sat with his back to me. Something about the mere sight of him, even from behind, stirred something within me. His silhouette was clad in that familiar black leather jacket. 

I wanted to delve into what had transpired and ensure he was alright. 

Despite the urgency gnawing at my insides, I restrained myself. 

Thalia returned, and we listened while Grover completed his report—the details worsening.

"We lost twenty satyrs against some giants at Fort Washington," he said, his voice trembling. "Almost half my kinsmen. River spirits drowned the giants in the end, but . . ."

Thalia shouldered her bow. "Kronos's forces are still gathering at every bridge and tunnel. And Kronos isn't the only Titan. One of my Hunters spotted a man in golden armour mustering an army on the Jersey shore. I'm unsure who he is, but he radiates power like a Titan or god."I remembered the golden Titan from my dream—the one on Mount Othrys who erupted into flames. 

"Great," Percy said. "Any good news?" 

Thalia shrugged, her expression grim. "We've sealed off the subway tunnels into Manhattan. My best trappers handled it. Also, it seems like the enemy is biding their time until tonight to strike. I think Luke"—she caught herself—"I mean, Kronos needs time to regenerate after each fight. He's still not entirely comfortable with his new form. It's draining much of his power to manipulate time around the city."

Grover nodded in agreement. "Most of his forces are stronger at night, too. But they'll return once sundown hits."

"Okay. Any updates from the gods?" Percy asked.

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