Oskar - Aphrodite's Quest

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I paced the apartment, every step adding fuel to the fire of my frustration. Zoe had stormed out, leaving me to stew in a whirlwind of emotions—anger, annoyance, confusion. I couldn't wrap my head around what had just happened. One minute, we were fine, and the next, she was throwing out wild accusations about Michaela, someone who didn't even factor into my world like that. It was like getting blindsided by a curveball I hadn't seen coming, and even though I was good at baseball, this wasn't something I could swing at and fix.

Zoe was jealous. Jealous of Michaela, of all people. I almost found it laughable. Michaela? She didn't even register in my mind the way Zoe did. Zoe was like a wagyu filet mignon, rare and impossible to compare, while Michaela was a basic cut of tenderloin, good but nothing special. Zoe was in a league of her own. I wasn't even remotely attracted to Michaela. We were just friends—nothing more, nothing less. What the hell did Zoe have to be jealous of?

My fists clenched as I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. She hadn't even tried to talk things through. She just... left. She walked out without giving me a chance to explain, to reassure her. I had made it clear—Zoe was it for me. Michaela wasn't even a factor. It drove me crazy to think she felt so insecure over something that, to me, was utterly inconsequential.

I kicked the edge of the couch, trying to vent some of the tension building in my chest. The more I thought about it, the more it plagued me. How was I supposed to fix this if she wouldn't stay long enough to listen? I wanted to run after her, grab her, and make her understand that nothing was happening with Michaela. That Zoe had no reason to feel like this.

Without thinking, I sprinted out the door, my heart pounding with rapid footsteps. I needed to catch up to her to stop her from leaving like this. The cold air hit me like a slap, and I realized I hadn't even grabbed a jacket. But I didn't care. I had to find Zoe and make her see the reason.

As I rushed down the street, a limousine pulled up beside me, its windows tinted dark. Before I could process what was happening, the door swung open, and I was dragged inside by some invisible force. The sudden shift from the cold air to the warm, plush interior was jarring.

I blinked, disoriented, and found myself face-to-face with her.


The goddess of love lounged across from me, her beauty blindingly perfect in a way that felt human and utterly otherworldly. Her golden hair fell in cascading waves over her shoulders, shimmering like molten sunlight, and her dress—a flowing, delicate pink silk—seemed to catch the light in the most flattering ways, showing off every curve. Her lips were painted a deep, seductive red, and her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint like she was in on a joke I wasn't privy to.

Beside her sat Ares, the god of war, his imposing figure radiating power and danger. His dark hair was cropped short, and his jawline was sharp, covered in a hint of stubble. His black leather jacket, dark jeans, and combat boots made him look like he had just walked off the set of an action movie. His grin was more of a smirk as if he knew something I didn't, his eyes scanning me like I was a soldier out of line.

"Well, well," Aphrodite purred, her voice like silk, a teasing smile on her lips. "Look who's in a hurry. Where were you running off to, lover boy?"

I blinked, still trying to comprehend what was happening.

"I—uh, I need to catch up with Zoe."

Aphrodite raised a perfectly manicured brow, leaning forward slightly. "Oh, I know. You've made quite a mess of things, haven't you?" She exchanged a glance with Ares, who chuckled under his breath.

I frowned, "This isn't funny. I don't have time for this. I need to talk to her."

Ares leaned back, his arms crossed over his broad chest, a wolfish grin spreading across his face. "So serious, Oskar. All for a Huntress, as well. Who knew they could be objects of desire?"

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