Percy - Lydian Drakon

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The drakon loomed three stories above them, its massive form slithering alongside the building as it assessed their defences. 

Centaurs froze in terror wherever their gaze fell.

The enemy army collided with the Party Ponies from the north, shattering their lines. The drakon struck swiftly, swallowing three Californian centaurs before Percy could intervene.

Mrs O'Leary leapt into action, a lethal blur of black fur, teeth, and claws. Yet, even in her fierce attack, the hellhound seemed diminutive compared to the monstrous drakon.

Her claws scraped harmlessly against the drakon's armoured scales, and though she bit at its throat, her efforts barely fazed the creature. Nevertheless, her weight and momentum dislodged the drakon from the building's edge. They tumbled to the ground in a chaotic heap, serpent and hellhound locked in a deadly struggle.

The drakon attempted to bite Mrs O'Leary, but she manoeuvred deftly, staying out of reach of its venomous fangs. Poison sprayed wildly, reducing centaurs and monsters alike to dust. Yet, Mrs O'Leary persisted, relentless in her assault upon the serpent's head, clawing and biting with every ounce of her formidable strength.

"YAAAH!" Percy drove Riptide deep into the monster's left eye, plunging the area into darkness. The drakon hissed angrily and lunged forward, but Percy rolled aside just in time. The creature's massive jaws chomped down on a chunk of pavement as it turned its good eye towards him, its teeth glinting dangerously.

Mrs O'Leary leapt onto the drakon's head, growling and clawing ferociously, briefly distracting from the chaotic battle around them. 

Giants and demons surged forward, overpowering the centaurs in a relentless tide. Amid the chaotic melee, campers in orange shirts darted in and out of view, their presence fleeting as they engaged the enemy. Percy's attention briefly caught sight of Oskar and Zoe amid battle.

Their combat was a symphony of coordinated strikes and seamless defence. Oskar moved with the precision of a seasoned warrior, his movements fluid yet powerful. Zoe's agility was unmatched, darting in and out of danger with grace and deadly accuracy. Together, their synergy was palpable—a dance of combat where each anticipated the other's moves as if they had fought side by side for centuries.

Percy found himself momentarily distracted by their prowess. The monsters before Oskar and Zoe fell swiftly, unable to withstand their relentless assault. 

Arrows streaked through the air, and fire erupted in fiery bursts across the battlefield, casting chaotic shadows. The conflict had shifted towards the imposing entrance of the Empire State Building, where Percy stood witness to Oskar's powerful change.

As Oskar neared the front line, darkness and shadows swirled around him, accentuating the eerie presence of his skeleton warriors. A chilling breeze swept through the air, carrying a palpable sense of cold power emanating from Oskar. 

Even from a distance, Percy could feel the intimidating aura radiating from the son of Hades.

Campers and Hunters faltered briefly as they stood behind Oskar, but they quickly rallied to follow him into the darkness. Percy couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that Oskar was on their side. He knew that if it were anyone else commanding such a formidable force, he would have been terrified. Instead, he thanked the gods for Oskar's presence. 

Even the monsters seemed to shrink back in fear as Oskar strode boldly forward, his presence instilling dread in their adversaries.

Suddenly, Annabeth materialized on the drakon's back, her invisibility cap falling away as she plunged her bronze knife into a gap between the serpent's scales. The drakon roared in pain, twisting violently to dislodge her. Percy sprinted towards her just as she was thrown to the ground, dragging her clear as the drakon rolled, narrowly missing them and crushing a lamppost where Annabeth had been moments before.

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