T W E N T Y - F O U R

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In the silence of the dimly lit room, Jennie's silhouette appeared,  her eyes are burning in anger upon discovering her aunt's attempt to seduce her wife.

She clenched her jaw and strode purposefully towards the binding of Min Hee in the chair.

Despite her restraints, Min hee smirked arrogantly as Jennie approached. But Jennie wasn't having it. She walked right up to her aunt.

Even though Jennie was pregnant, she wasn't going to let anyone mess with her family. So, she stood her ground, ready to make her aunt understand that she couldn't keep doing this.

"what the hell do you think you're doing, Min Hee? seducing my wife behind my back huh?" Jennie seethed with rage.

Min Hee smirked as she looked up at Jennie, "oh, don't be silly, my dear niece. Lisa and I are just having a bit of fun."

"fun? you call seducing my wife and trying to break up my marriage fun?!" Jennie yelled in anger then slapped Min Hee's cheeks but the older woman just laughed at her.

"Well, Lisa does have a certain...appeal that i can't resist. And she has a little something extra down there that I'm sure can satisfy me." Min Hee chuckled as she watched how Jennie reacts.

Jennie seethes with anger as she breathes heavily. "shut your mouth! how dare you talk about Lisa like that!"

"Oh come on Jennie, it's not like I'm going to steal her away. Just let me have a taste of her cock and I'll stop. I just wanna feel her length, I'm sure she can fill me up so freaking good mmm" Min Hee moaned purposely as she imagined Lisa's cock.

Jennie couldn't control the rage that coursed through her veins as she stood in front of Min Hee. She wanted to hurt Min Hee badly for trying to seduce Lisa, but Lisa would surely get mad at her if she chose violence.

Lisa was unaware that Jennie had discovered it and had locked Min Hee in a dark room. It had only been two days since Areum's birthday, when it happened.

"You're really digging your own grave, aren't you?" Jennie asked, her anger evident in her voice.

"Oh, darling, I know you can't just end me right here and now, as much as you'd like to. Why don't you just sit there and tell me all about how skilled Lisa is in bed? That she's managed to impregnate two women, huh? And maybe she's even planning on another one, I can—" Min Hee's taunting words were abruptly halted as Jennie delivered a hard slap across her face, leaving a cut on her lip.

Min Hee winced, but a twisted smirk danced across her lips, realizing that her revelation had only fueled Jennie's fury even more.

"Don't you fucking dare touch Lisa! I'm warning you Min Hee. Don't ever try me" Jennie threatened before she walked away ignoring Min Hee's devilish laugh.

"Ms. Kim..." Her bodyguards approached her worriedly, knowing that she's pregnant and something bad might have happened to her.

"Beat her up. Make sure she suffers, but don't kill her. I'll be back," Jennie ordered, her bodyguards nodding in acknowledgment.

She released a deep sigh as she approached her waiting car, where her driver awaited. Climbing in, the vehicle started to move, carrying her away from the scene.

Jennie couldn't shake off the anger upon learning about the incident. A staff member had witnessed it and reported to her while Lisa was still engrossed in conversation with her relatives. Jennie wasn't upset with Lisa for not informing her right away; she understood that Lisa might have wanted to avoid reliving past traumas, especially those involving Irene. Her rage was directed solely at Min Hee for her inappropriate advances towards Lisa, betraying both trust and boundaries.

Lisa paced anxiously in the living room while Areum was engrossed in her iPad. Worry and fear churned in Lisa's mind as she had no clue where Jennie had disappeared to, especially since it was almost 10 in the evening.

Longing for her wife's presence, Lisa couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and relief flooded Lisa's face as Jennie stepped inside.

"Jennie, where did you go? I was so worried!" Lisa exclaimed, rushing towards her wife.

Jennie offered a reassuring smile as she embraced Lisa, her arms encircling her in a comforting hug. "I went to the store to satisfy my cravings, but once I got there, I changed my mind," she fibbed, planting a tender kiss on Lisa's lips.

Lisa melted into the kiss; her worries momentarily forgotten in the warmth of Jennie's embrace. However, a hint of skepticism lingered in her mind as she detected a slight discrepancy in Jennie's explanation. Still, she chose to let it slide, prioritizing the need to reconnect with her wife.

"But remember, if you want something, just tell me, okay? You really scared me," Lisa sighed, her concern evident.

Jennie sensed Lisa's lingering doubt but opted not to delve into it further, instead offering a sincere apology. "I'm sorry, baby. I won't do it again," she reassured, sealing her promise with a gentle peck on Lisa's lips.

With tensions alleviated, the couple made their way to the living room, where Areum awaited.

"do you want me to make you some calming tea? it always helps me when i'm feeling stressed," Lisa offered with a warm smile as she helps Jennie to sat down on the couch next to Areum who's still focused on the huge flat screen in front of them.

Jennie's heart softened at Lisa's gesture and she nodded, grateful for her wife's presence and understanding.

Lisa kissed her forehead first before she went to the kitchen to make some tea for her wife.

Jennie then kissed Areum's head before she leaned her back to the couch.

I won't let anyone ruined our little family. I promised you Lisa, no one's gonna dare to touch you again. Jennie thought then let out a deep breath.

Areum adjusted her position to lean on Jennie's chest, cozying up to her mother as she still watches her favorite show with heavy eyes. Jennie smiled and wrapped her arms around her daughter, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over her.

Lisa came back with the calming tea and sat next to them; her legs intertwined with Jennie's. She smiled at the sight of her daughter snuggling to her mom. They all sat in the couch comfortably, enjoying each other's company.

Jennie couldn't help but start humming a tune then noticed that Areum already drifted to sleep. She started singing softly, not wanting to disturb Areum's nap. But as she sang, Lisa listened intently to her, a small smile forming on her lips.

When Jennie finished singing, Lisa gave her a quick kiss on the lips and complimented her singing.

"You should sing more often, baby. I love it," Lisa said.

"I'll think about it," Jennie teased back, and they both shared a laugh.

Lisa snuggled closer to Jennie, feeling a sense of peace wash over her as they cuddled and watched their daughter sleep. In that moment, they were thankful for the calmness of their time together, away from all the drama and chaos.

However, Jennie's mind was still reeling from her encounter with her whore aunt Min Hee. She couldn't bring herself to tell Lisa about it, not wanting to worry her even more. She just wanted to protect her and their family at all costs.

They remained on the couch, each immersed in their own thoughts and emotions. Despite the challenges they faced, they found comfort in simply being together, finding solace in the shared silence of the moment.

As the night wore on, the weight of their worries gradually lifted, replaced by the gentle rhythm of their breathing as they both succumbed to sleep, their bodies intertwined, and their hearts connected in the safety of their shared space.

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