T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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3 years had passed.

As Areum and Jaxon raced around the living room, giggling and shouting with glee, Jennie and Lisa exchanged a knowing glance. Over the past few months, they had begun to notice certain traits in their children that mirrored their own mischievous antics from years ago.

"Did you see the way Areum and Jaxon teamed up to hide all the cookies yesterday when I told them that it's enough for them to have cookies?" Jennie whispered to Lisa, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Lisa nodded, her lips curling into a wry smile. "They're definitely partners in crime, just like we used to be," she replied, her tone tinged with nostalgia.

Jennie chuckled softly, her gaze following their children as they continued their antics. "It's like they've inherited our mischievous streak," she observed, a mixture of pride and amusement in her voice.

"Yeah, but sometimes I worry they're a little too good at it," Lisa admitted, a note of concern creeping into her tone.

Jennie nodded in agreement, her brow furrowing slightly. "I know what you mean. Did you see the way they teach Kuma to help them steal the neighbor's dog treats?" she remarked, her eyes widening in disbelief.

Lisa sighed, shaking her head in resignation. "They're definitely troublemakers, just like we used to be. But at least they're creative," she remarked, a hint of pride in her voice.

Jennie chuckled softly, her gaze softening as she watched their children play. "Yeah, they definitely keep us on our toes. But I wouldn't have it any other way," she confessed, her heart swelling with love for her little family.

"Me neither, Nini. Our kids may be a handful, but they're our handful," Lisa agreed, her voice filled with affection.

As Areum and Jaxon continued their antics, Jennie and Lisa exchanged a fond smile, grateful for the joy and laughter their children brought into their lives. Despite the occasional chaos, they wouldn't trade their little family for anything in the world.

Jaxon and Areum sat in their room, surrounded by toys and stuffed animals. Areum was busy arranging her dolls in a neat row, while Jaxon played with his toy cars, making them zoom around the room.

Suddenly, Jaxon looked up at Areum with a mischievous grin. "Hey, Areum, do you ever wonder what's under Mommy and Mom's bed?" he asked, his voice low and conspiratorial.

Areum glanced at him, a curious glint in her eye. "I don't know, but I heard some strange noises coming from there room every night," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jaxon nodded eagerly, his imagination running wild. "Maybe there's a secret tunnel that leads to a treasure chest full of candy and toys!" he exclaimed; his eyes wide with excitement.

Areum's eyes lit up at the idea. "Or maybe it's where they keep all the cookies and chocolate, they don't want us to find," she suggested, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

Jaxon laughed, the idea of a secret stash of treats sounding too good to be true. "We should sneak into their room tonight and find out for ourselves," he whispered, leaning in close to Areum.

Areum nodded, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Yeah, let's do it! We'll be like spies on a secret mission," she whispered back, excitement bubbling inside her.

As the siblings plotted their nighttime adventure, their imaginations ran wild with possibilities. Little did they know, their parents were listening to their conversation from the hallway, trying to suppress their laughter at their children's wild imaginations. When the truth is, their parents were just having their daily night activities in bed.

"Well... I guess you have to be more quiet?" Lisa whispered, teasing her wife who smacked her arms playfully.

"Can't help it, it's too pleasurable" Jennie stated before they both laugh and headed to their room.

"Uhmm Lisa.." Jennie moaned as her wife started sucking her erected nipple, grabbing Lisa's hair as she arched her back to push her nipple even more deeper into Lisa's mouth.

Lisa swirl her tongue around Jennie's nipple as she started grinding her bulge against Jennie's already wet core underneath her red thong.

"Fuck.. I need you" Lisa groaned and was about to grab her cock out but Jennie stopped her, she looked up at Jennie with confusion then a strange noise were heard outside their room. They exchanged a concerned glance before hastily composing their selves.

Lisa pulled her body away from Jennie and sat beside her.

"What's that noise?" Lisa asked in confusion.

"I don't know either... Lisa, the kids..." Lisa looked at Jennie with concern before making their way to Jaxon and Areum's room.

Their hearts sank as Lisa pushed open the door to find a scene that chilled them to the bone. Jaxon and Areum were huddled together, their expressions disturbingly void of emotion as they hovered over their dog, Kuma. The poor animal whimpered in distress, restrained by ropes tied around its limbs.

Jennie's voice trembled with shock and horror as she demanded an explanation from her children. "What are you two doing?!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief.

She stormed inside and pulled Areum and Jaxon away from the poor Kuma. Her first ever fur baby. Lisa followed them as she tried to free Kuma, who's already weak.

Jaxon and Areum turned to their parents, their innocent faces masking the darkness that lurked within. "We're just playing a game Mommy," Jaxon replied casually, while Areum simply stared at them, her eyes devoid of any emotion.

Lisa's heart twisted with fear and concern as she approached them, her voice barely above a whisper. "That's not a game, sweetie. You're hurting Kuma," she said gently, her hands trembling as she reached out to untie the ropes.

But Jaxon and Areum remained eerily calm, unfazed by their parents' distress. As Jennie and Lisa struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation, a chilling realization dawned upon them: their children were exhibiting behaviors far beyond their years, a darkness that seemed to mirror their own troubled past.

"I'm not liking where this is going..." Jennie and Lisa mumble underneath their breaths.


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