T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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After a year filled with ups and downs, Jennie and Lisa welcomed their long-awaited bundle of joy into the world. Jaxon Luke Manoban was born two days after Lisa's birthday, bringing immeasurable joy and love to his parents' lives. With Jaxon being finally in their arms, their family felt complete.

Jaxon's birth brought a renewed sense of hope and happiness to the household. His tiny cries echoed through the halls, signaling the beginning of a new chapter for Jennie and Lisa as they embarked on the journey of parenthood once again.

After the death of Min Hee which is caused by Lisa. Both her and Jennie never dared to open it up to each other and chose to just leave it in the past.

Meanwhile, Areum, recently celebrated her second birthday. She had grown into a bubbly and energetic toddler, bringing endless delight to her parents with each passing day. Jennie and Lisa cherished every moment spent watching their daughter grow and thrive.

As Areum grew, Lisa couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance she bore to Irene. It was as if Irene's spirit lived on through her daughter, manifesting in every smile, every gesture.

The resemblance was uncanny, almost like looking at a mirror image of Irene in her youth. At times, it weighed heavily on Lisa's heart, stirring up emotions she had long buried. Memories of Irene flooded back, both traumatizing and painful, as she watched Areum grow and flourish.

Despite the pang of sadness that accompanied the resemblance, Lisa couldn't deny the love she felt for Areum. She cherished every moment spent with her daughter, marveling at her unique personality and zest for life. Areum was a precious gift, despite of Lisa and Irene's past. 

As Jaxon turned 5 months, the bond between him and Areum blossomed, filling their home with even more love and laughter. Areum took on her role as the protective big sister, showering Jaxon with affection and care.

Lisa smiled warmly as she watched Areum playing on her mini playground located in their backyard, her laughter filling the air like music. It was her parents' gift for Areum on her second birthday.

Carrying Jaxon in her arms, she approached her daughter, who was busy climbing on the small slide.

"Hey there, my little princess," Lisa said, gently setting Jaxon down in a nearby playpen before approaching Areum.

"Mom!" Areum squealed with delight, reaching out her arms to hug Lisa as she approached.

Lisa scooped up Areum, swinging her around gently before setting her down on the ground. "Having fun on your playground, sweetheart?"

Areum nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yeah, Mom! I'm climbing like a monkey!"

Lisa chuckled, ruffling Areum's hair affectionately. "You sure are, my little monkey. But be careful not to fall, okay?"

"I won't, Mom!" Areum declared proudly, puffing out her chest.

Lisa smiled, watching Areum continue to explore her playground with boundless energy. It was moments like these that made all the challenges of parenthood worth it. As she glanced over at Jaxon, who was cooing happily in his playpen, she felt a wave of gratitude wash over her.

Meanwhile, Jennie appeared at the doorway, a smile on her face as she watched her family playing together in the backyard. "Lunch is almost ready, my loves!" she called out, earning excited cheers from Areum before she went back inside.

With Areum happily occupied, Lisa settled down on a nearby bench, cuddling Jaxon close as she watched her daughter play. It was a perfect day, filled with laughter, love, and the simple joys of family.

As Lisa and Areum enjoyed their playful interaction in the backyard, Kuma, bounded into view, his tail wagging excitedly. Areum's eyes lit up with delight at the sight of her furry friend, and she immediately reached out her arms, beckoning Kuma to join their play.

"Kuma! Come play with me!" Areum called out happily, her laughter echoing in the air.

Kuma barked joyfully in response, his tongue lolling out as he bounded over to Areum, his tail wagging furiously. With a wag of his tail, Kuma nuzzled against Areum, licking her cheek affectionately.

Giggling with glee, Areum wrapped her arms around Kuma's furry neck, planting a kiss on his head. "Good boy, Kuma! Let's play together!"

Lisa smiled warmly at the scene unfolding before her, her heart swelling with love for her family. Watching Areum and Kuma play together filled her with a sense of joy and contentment that she wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

As the aroma of sizzling beef filled the kitchen, Lisa stepped in carrying Jaxon, her eyes brightening at the delicious scent wafting through the air.

"Hey, Nini, lunch smells amazing. What are you cooking?" Lisa greeted Jennie; her voice laced with excitement.

Jennie turned from the stove with a warm smile. "Thanks, love. I'm making your favorite, spicy beef stir-fry," she replied, a hint of pride in her voice.

"Yum, I can't wait," Lisa replied eagerly, her stomach rumbling at the thought of her favorite dish. "Areum seem to be having a blast outside, with Kuku" she added, nodding towards the backyard where Areum and Kuma were playing.

Jennie followed Lisa's gaze, her smile widening at the sight of their little ones. "Yeah, they love playing together in the backyard. It's so cute watching them, I can't wait watching Jaxon play with them too" she said, her heart swelling with affection as she caressed Jaxon's cheeks.

Lisa joined Jennie by the window, her eyes sparkling with maternal pride. "Definitely. Areum's growing up so fast, isn't she?" she remarked, a hint of wistfulness in her voice.

Jennie nodded, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "She really is. Feels like just yesterday she was a tiny baby in our arms," she mused, a wave of nostalgia washing over her.

Lisa's gaze drifted to their youngest, Jaxon, who was cooing contentedly in his mother's arms. "Time flies. And look at Jaxon, getting bigger every day. He's going to be crawling before we know it," she observed, a tender smile gracing her lips.

Jennie chuckled softly, gently bouncing Jaxon in Lisa's arms. "I know, right? Soon they'll be running around the house together, causing mischief," she predicted, a fond glint in her eyes.

"Our little troublemakers. But I wouldn't have it any other way," Lisa confessed, her heart swelling with love for her growing family.

Jennie's smile softened; her gaze filled with adoration as she looked at her partner. "Me neither, love. Our family is everything to me," she declared, her voice filled with sincerity.

Lisa returned Jennie's gaze, her eyes shining with love. "Mine too, Nini. I love you," she whispered, her words filled with warmth.

Jennie's heart skipped a beat at Lisa's declaration, her love for her partner swelling in her chest. "I love you too, Lisa," she replied, her voice soft with affection.

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