Chapter 5

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Knock, knock.
I got up and made my way to the front door, Jake followed behind incase someone uninvited came in. I looked through the door hole to see James.

"Just James." I turned and informed Jake. I opened the door and welcomed him with a smile.

"Hello" James said looking at both of us and walked inside.

"Hi" we both replied.

"Don't you think we should have some secret knock so we know who's who?" James and Jake looked at each other and laughed at my suggestion. "Ok fine, laugh I was only suggesting."

"No, it is a good idea but I think your getting a bit too into this." James explained himself.

"It's not some action movie." Jake added as they laughed a little more, but James tried to compose himself and stay professional. He cleared his throat and sat down in the living room. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen and cleared away the dishes.

Once I had finished I entered the living room. My mom walked down the stairs slowly still half asleep. She wrapped herself in her dressing gown with her hair reaching for the sky.
"Who's was that?" She asked looking at James and Jake.

"Just James." I answered. She walked out and back upstairs and shouted down "I'm going to go work in a little while."

"Ok" I yelled back up to her. I turned on the TV and started to watch person of interest. James and Jake seemed to enjoy the show too.
"What's this called?"

"Person of interest. You should watch it it's so amazing."

"What's it about."

"Well a guy builds a machine that's like CCTV and can spot crime before it happens. Then he hires a ex CIA agent to stop the crimes and protect him but there's another evil machine called Samaritan that wants to take over the world and kill the original machine, but the machines hidden and they try to kill the man who made it to find where it is. Honestly it's amazing you should watch it."

"I might, sounds good." James said.

"You clearly enjoy it" Jake added. we both smiled.

"Yeah, One of my favourites."

My mom walked down the stairs looking more presentable then before "I'm going to go now."

"Ok" I walked her out and gave her a hug and a kiss.

"Love you" I said.

"Love you more."

I locked the door and walked back into the living room and watched some more TV. Hours passed and I got a little tired. I helped James and Jake set up a bed on the couch and went to my own bed, Before I went to bed I had to set up the baby monitor. Just incase something happened upstairs James and Jake would hear.

James and Jake carried on watching more TV and I went straight to bed after I locked the windows and doors.

The next morning I woke up and looked at the varnished wooden desk next to my bed. There was a scrunched up postcard on the table. I picked it up and felt my heart beating and my blood flowing viciously around my body. It was the same postcard I threw away the same one he sent me the first time. I knew because it had the same taunting words on it 'miss me?'

My mind went to the thought, 'how did it get here? I threw it away'.

I felt a cool breeze blowing through my room with the curtains dancing in the wind. I walked towards the window to find it was wide open. I shut the window and went in to the bathroom to freshen up.

I set the postcard on fire using my lighter. I stood there watching it burn feeling a relieving weight lift. I couldn't hurt him so I hurt the paper, it sounded strange but it made me feel better.

When I finished I walked downstairs. James and Jake were still asleep, I didn't want to wake them so I let them sleep longer.

I made breakfast for the three of us. The smell must have woke them because they walked into the kitchen.

"Hi" I said in a cheery way.

"Hi" they said in unison still half asleep.

"I'm just going to use the bathroom" James said on his way out.

"Okay, did you sleep well?" I asked Jake.

"Yeah, great." he scratched the top of his head.

"That's good." I turned smiled at him then turned back.

"How about you?"
I was arguing with myself debating weather or not I should tell them about the postcard.

"Yeah, never better." My words turned into a mumble. After a few minutes James came back downstairs and Jake headed up. James sat down and I gave him his food.

"Here go."

"Thanks." He looked up at me and smiled. I made Jakes and set his on the table ready for when he came back. I made mine and headed into the living room, I was called back by James as Jake walked into the kitchen. I walked back.


"Are you not going to eat in here?"

"I'm sorry but, making breakfast for two cops is weird enough. Eating breakfast with them maybe a little awkward." I grinned and gave a little chuckle.

"Come on, sit down it won't be awkward. Plus we can keep an eye on you."

"Fine." I sat down with my food. It was awkward all we did was exchange smiles. "I was thinking for Father's Day you should have the day off. I don't need you to keep watch."

"You sure?" James asked.

"Yeah, nothing's happened, you could be helping someone else anyway I can call you if anything happens."

"Thank you, my kids would love that." James said with a huge smile on his face.

I smiled back and replied "it's ok." We ate and cleaned. I looked upstairs to see if my mom was back home but she wasn't. I tried to call her a few times but it was useless. I did a little house work while music was blasting through my earphones. It was around four and I sat and watched TV.

My mom still wasn't back home. Around five James and Jake left and I fell asleep for a little while.

When I woke up I started to piece the puzzle that I brought together. I sat and hummed along with the song that was playing on the radio. Once I had finished I put it in a frame ready to put on my dad's grave when I visited tomorrow.

I tried to call my mom again but she wouldn't answer. I told myself that she might be covering extra shifts. I watched more TV then drifted off again.
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