Chapter 16

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Kiera's POV

I sat on my bed and was about to play on the Xbox when Ian's head came round the corner, followed by my mom.

We've been here awhile now. My best guess is that its been more than a month, maybe two, can't really say exactly.

My mom had bloodshot eyes like she had been crying a lot. She didn't really say anything, But Ian on the other hand was smiling and excited.

"Kiera your mother has something to tell you."

I looked at her, she clearly didn't want to tell me which made me want to know more, but looking at her state it would be wrong.

"Mom are you okay?" She didn't respond she just looked down at the ground. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I smiled but it was soon wiped away.

"No Zoe, you will tell her. She has a right to know."
I stood up to give my mother a hug but Ian stood in front of me blocking my way.
"Kiera sit down."

"No, what did you do to her." I was going to push past him when he pushed me back, making me trip onto the bed.

"She's been lying to you your whole life." She began to sob. He turned around and slapped her to the ground.

"What the hell?!" I ran to my mothers aid and held her tightly.

"Kiera! Don't you want to know why she lied to you?"

"I don't care, just go away!" I had to admit I really did want to know, but looking at my mothers state, what kind if a daughter would I be if I did?
I lifted her up and onto the bed. She whipped away her remaining tears.

"He's right" she said between sobs. "There's something I've been keeping from you. I was too scared to tell you."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, But I would love it if you did." I said with a smile earning a chuckle from her.

"Okay but you need to promise me you won't get mad."

"I pinky promise" I said giving her my pinky.

"Before you was born, John used to travel, a lot. He was gone for a year once and I still went to work, and that's when I met Ian."
I could tell already I didn't like where this was going but I wanted to hear her say it.
"I slept with him once. I know I shouldn't have but it was a mistake. I quit my job and moved on and found a new one. That's when I found out I was pregnant, with twins. John came back and I told him everything, it took him a while but he finally forgave me. When Ian found out, he wasn't happy, he wanted us all to be a family but I was with John, so we made a deal. I keep you and he could have Bethany. But when Bethany died the deal was broken and he wanted you. Then once he had you he was going to come for me, so we could be the sick delusional family image he has in his head."
She said between gritted teeth. She began to sob again. "I'm so sorry." She said covering her mouth and shaking her head. Tears started to form in my eyes, blurring my vision. I continued to hug my mother but I just wanted to slap her and run and throw things around, but a promise is a promise.

Ian stood there smiling. "Now do you understand?"

"You still killed her, she was my other half, and half of me is dead because of you. No matter what you do I will always hate you and remind you of what you did. You don't deserve to be happy. You're a sick freak."

His smile dropped and he clenched his fists.
"I feel sorry for your mom, she gave birth to a psycho."

He took deep breaths to calm himself down. I could tell he was going to hit me so I kept quiet after that. He stormed out the room and down stairs.
We sat there and listened as things got thrown around. My mother flinched at every sound, but it stopped, it stopped for a while, I knew something wasn't right.
I stood up to check, but my mom grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?"

"To check."

"He's going to hurt you."

"He won't, just stay here I can take care of myself." I gave her a reassuring smile and tiptoed down the stairs. Most of the mess was in the kitchen, broken glasses, plate and cutlery all over the floor. I looked around the room but couldn't find him. I turned to find the basement door open and the hum of a scream pointed me in the right direction. I ran down as quick as I could, almost tripping.


He had a knife to the women's throat. She's was screaming but the tape over her mouth silenced her.

"You know I was sitting right there when I watched my father beat my mother to death." He said pointing to the boy. "I watched and did nothing. Just watched her scream helplessly."

"What happened to your mother wasn't your fault, it was your fathers you wouldn't have been able to do anything but you don't have to hurt her and make him go through the same." 

He turned to me and smiled. "All I ever wanted was to have a family and be the father that I never had. I just wanted to live knowing that me just being there was making someone happy. I never meant to drown Bethany, it was an accident. My father told me that if you wanted someone to behave the best thing to do was wash away all those dirty thoughts. He did it to me, and I turned out fine!"

I wanted to cry for him, he was so messed up he couldn't even see it.

"Your father destroyed your family, don't be like him and destroy theirs." I smiled and hugged him. I looked at the women who closed her eyes with relief as the tears flowed down her face.

"We can let them go and find our own home. We can decorate it and buy all the furniture. We can start a fresh." I told him hoping he would listen.

He smiled and nodded he's head. But he's smile dropped. "What if they come after us and try to take me away from you? I need to kill them."

"Wait, no, no you don't. I'll tell the police I'm happy staying with you then they can't take us away. We'll be together forever, just the three of us, but first you need to let them go."

"I can't Kiera, I can't risk it."

I had to make a choice either argue for them to be released and risk their lives or just let them stay here , which is also risking their lives.

"Fine just let them stay here. I don't want anyone else to get hurt."

He nodded. "You should take a shower or something it'll make you feel better."

"Okay" I said making my way up stairs. "But I'll help you clean the kitchen first."

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