Chapter 31- The will

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I sat at the table with the solicitor opposite me, John at the end and Jake next to me with his hand on mine. I sat and stared at the solicitor as I anticipated what was to come. I wiped my sweaty palm on my leg as the nerves built up.
He coughed and began.
"My dearest Kiera,
I'm sorry I can no longer be with you, but I leave with you my heart and soul. You have shown me how to love and the true meaning of family, and for that I can not thank you enough.
Kiera I leave with you my cabin and business."

"Business?" I asked confused.

"Oh" he said "you don't know about his business?"

"No I don't, what is it?"

"It's nothing too big. He's a landlord, he rents out a gun shop."

"The one on turners street?" I swallowed, that store was so close to my moms house. It had been there for as long as I can remember. If it was that store he was so close to me, he was always there throughout my whole childhood.

"Yes, you seem familiar with it, have you been there?"

I just stared at him blankly, as my mind began drifting into another world, one filled with horror and nightmares. The only thing that brought me back to sanity was the sound of Jakes voice.
"Kiera?" He looked worried, but at the same time as though he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"I'm fine" I looked back at the solicitor. "Is that all?"

"Well, yes, but" He paused and looked down at the paper and then back to my face. "Would you like to read it?"

I thought about the question,as much as I would love to hear what other crap he could come up with, I didn't want to,  all at the same time. The thought of him being around me, it was just all too much.

"I don't want his business."

"Kiera" Jake said trying to make me see sense.

"I don't want it Jake, that's all I have to say." I pulled my hand away from his and stood up. The solicitor stood with me.
"What would you like me to do?"

"Sell the business, or something. I want nothing to do with it."

"I don't do all that kind of stuff." He was confused and a little taken back by my reaction but at this point, I didn't care about anyone's feelings.

"Kiera, I can sell it for us, we can get money from it" Jake spoke over me. He had a point, no matter how freaked out I was right now, I couldn't let this take away any sense I had, this money would be good for us, and the baby.

I sighed as I sat down. "Do what you want with it, I don't care, as long as it's gone." He smiled and held my hand gently but with a firm grip.
"It's alright, I'm here with you, no matter what."
I smiled and gave a little nod. I looked at the solicitor. "What else did he leave?"

"He left his life savings, but you have to go to the bank to collect that."
I nodded again. "Is that it?"

"Yes, I'm going to need you to sign here and here." He said marking each spot with a star. I did as he asked and signed.

As I was showing him out I took one last look into his ocean blue eyes as I thanked him.

I shut and locked the door and entered the living room. I sunk into the black leather sofa as Jake came and sat by me.
"What was all that about?" He questioned as he tucked a strand of hair away. I shook my head hoping he would drop the question.

"It's stupid." I replied feeling like an idiot for over reacting.

He smiled and turned my face so I was looking into his eyes. "Tell me, so that I can laugh at you, at least."

I smiled and let out a breath, after admitting to myself he wasn't going to let this go. "It was just, that gun store that Ian owned, it was close to my moms house. It was there for like, forever. Which means he was too." I closed my eyes, just talking about it gave me the creeps.

"Well, he's dead now." He stated dryly. All I could do was laugh at the way he said it.

"No shit Sherlock" I added. He leaned towards me and planted a kiss on my head whilst putting his hand over my stomach.

"This money will be good for us, you chose the right thing."

"I know, it's just, I used to play out on that street. He was probably watching me with a pair of binoculars or a telescope. Taking pictures and writing down every move I made in a diary. God just thinking about it gives me the chills."

He gave out a chuckle but stopped when I looked at him. "I doubt he did all that. Come on he was crazy, but I don't think he was that crazy."

I shook my head "but it all makes sense, the business, that's how he was able to pay that cop. And he knew the right time to take me, when I went camping. He must have had a big plan all along but when he lost Bethany, he must have finally done it all."

"Wait, what cop?" He asked confused.

"I got away from Ian, and I started running up the street, I saw a cop car and got in, but it turns out Ian payed him to keep his mouth shut. He probably payed him to say that Bethany's death was an accident too."

I shook my head and let out a deep breath as Jake leaned my head on his chest. "No matter how much someone pays me, you can trust I'll do the right thing."

"Can I?" I questioned as I watched his face drop. "I'm just joking." I smiled.

"See how beautiful that smile is, you should let it out more often." I couldn't help but blush at his comment.

"Okay stop." I smiled as I stood back up.

"Where you going?"

"To make dinner, then get the final preparations done ready for the funeral."

"I bet his body has already started decomposing, and there's maggots eating out his eye balls."

"Okay stop, that's not a image I want inside my head."

He stood up and helped me make dinner, grabbing the ingredients and pans etc.

"Are you sure you should be helping?" I asked a little concerned about his health.

"Yeah, why not?" He questioned back.

"Errr, I don't know, maybe because you got shot."

"That was ages ago, you worry too much." I shook my head.

"Okay we'll see when you're on the floor begging for my help."

"We will, because that is never going to happen."

"Yeah right." I grabbed a bit of flour a flicked it at him.

"Argh, you got my eye." He said as he washed his face in the sink.

"See we haven't even started yet and you're already having accidents" I smirked.

"Okay, can we actually make dinner because I'm hungry."

"I'm making it. It's you that isn't."

He just looked at me but didn't respond. We continued to make dinner, as we talked and listened to music on the radio.

I know my book's going downhill, but I'm trying. Returned should be finished in a couple of chapters. I've been super busy but hopefully it should be completed to an amazing standard. Plus I think we can all agree it is way better than trapped.
Anyway I'm going to shut up now. Hope you loved the chapter. Bye. 👋👋

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