Chapter 8

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I pulled up outside of work and grabbed my coat ready to go inside. It was dark and cold, I could hear trees swaying and dogs barking in the distance, it was dead, no person in sight. I swung my bag around my shoulder and crossed my arms trying to keep warm. I started to regret wearing a cardigan and not a coat. I locked the car and left.

I had a long way to walk because most of the car spaces were taken. My work place was just up the road. I heard a noise behind me and I turned and looked I could see nothing just a cat crossing the road feeling a little creeped out I picked up my pace.

I kept walking with my head up like a meerkat not letting my guard down once.
Crash, I turned as quick as I could to see the metal trash can knocked over to it's side. I started to walk forward whilst looking back, I was stopped by someone.
"Sorry" I apologised to the man I walked into. I went to walk around him when I was grabbed and I felt a pinch in my neck. I instantly died, I couldn't move any of my limbs. I dropped but he caught me before I hit the floor.

He picked me up and put me in the boot of my own car after he got the keys out of my bag. I looked up at him and wished that someone would walk past, just one person. I watched helplessly as he shut the boot. It was just darkness the only light was from the breaks.

I tried to stay awake and move my limbs but it wouldn't work, he must have injected me with something strong. It felt like hours before the car finally came to a halt.

I heard the engine turn off and my keys being taken out. The door was slammed shut and the boot opened.

"Morning" he said and smiled. I could move a little but not completely. I tried to lift my arms to push him away but they only moved a inch.

He picked me up and carried me to a abandoned warehouse. It was dark, creepy and cold. He took me to the centre and sat me on a chair. He covered my mouth with duck tape and tied me to the chair.

"For when you can move again." He said after he had finished.

He left the warehouse like building. I heard my cars engine start and the sound started to fade. I sat there, slumped in the chair shivering. He came back after A while with a blanket.

"Here you go" he said as he wrapped it around me. Knowing he could do whatever he wanted to me and I wouldn't be able to fight back scared me. The only person I could think about was Kiera.

"I'm going to go now, see you tomorrow."

He waved and walked out the building. The blanket did help a lot, I was able to get a lot of sleep, and it helped conquer the coldness.


When I opened my eyes there was a camera in my face. I could move a lot better now, I had full control of my body. He took a picture and looked at it.
"Perfect." He took off the duck tape so I could have something to eat.

"What do you want?"

"Just your help"

"How am I supposed to help you?"

"Come on Zoe, don't act like you don't know what I want."

I stayed quiet and didn't reply.

"I want my Bethany."

"Her names not Bethany and she's not yours." He looked down and sighed. Seconds past and fear started to build up inside me then he gave me a quick, harsh slap on the cheek. I winced as I could feel a burning sensation on my cheek, I was probably going to be left with a mark on my cheek after, it was that hard.

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