Chapter 19- The First Date.

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I wore a black dress with my hair down with a loose waterfall braid at the side. I held my clutch bag tightly. Jake gave the keys to his car to the valet and we walked towards to front of the building. We entered with our arms linked. Jake wore a stylish tuxedo and plain black shoes. He had a tie to complete his look. When we got to the reception Jake did all the talking.

"I made a reservation, for Jake carter."
The man looked down at the guest book and slide his fingers down the page as he looked for the name.

"Ah yes sir, if you would like to follow me, right this way."
We followed him and I looked around as we walked. It was beautiful, everything was clean and tidy. The lights shone down making everything sparkle. The chandelier in the centre was huge and dropped down, like an upside down three tier cake.

"Here you are sir." He pulled out my chair and I sat down.

"Thank you" I whispered as I sat down.

The table was next to the window. There was a beautiful view of the city that stood out in the night sky. The busy traffic, the house lights, and my favourite, the stars.

"Do you like it?" Jake asked.

"Like it? I love it!" I answered with a huge grin on my face. "I've never been somewhere like this before, gosh, it's like a movie." I exclaimed.

He laughed and said "you deserve even better."

I smiled and acted normal but on the inside my heart was pounding and having it's own rave.

"Does it even get better?"

"I'm not even sure, but I would find something ten times more amazing just to see you smile."

The waiter came to our table.
"What would you like sir?"

Jake answered and I stared down at the menu. I didn't know what half the stuff on here was called. My thoughts were interrupted by the waiter.
"And you miss?" 

I looked up at Jake and smiled looking for some direction but I didn't find any. "Err... I'll have what he's having."

"Okay, your order will be here shortly."

I nodded and smiled as he left. I kicked Jake under the table.


"You could have helped me out. I don't know what half the stuff is, I only know what ratatouille is and that's because of that rat movie."

"It says it on the menu."

I laughed and shook my head. "You know you don't have to spend all your money on me to make me happy. You've been there for me, I can't be anymore happier."

"Kiera, you haven't been able to live, you had your life taken from you, I'm just trying to help you get it back." I smiled and held he's hand.

"Thank you, but seriously this place looks like it cost you what you make in a year."
He laughed. "Stop worrying about the cost and enjoy the moment."

I smiled and turned looking out the window. "Isn't it beautiful?" I asked but knowing the answer.

"Not as beautiful as you."

"Argh, you've been watching too many romance movies, seriously it's like you swallowed their vocabulary."

He smiled "but you are beautiful."

"Argh stop" I could feel my face burning up, I could tell I was blushing. I covered my face with my hands.

Our orders came ,and the waiter placed it on the table. When he left I measured it with my pinky.
"Kiera, what are you doing?"

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