Chapter 15

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Jakes POV.

I entered the station and got more glares then I did before. I kept my head down. James and the captain were waiting in his office for me which was even more scary. I gulped and entered the room. The captain closed the door behind me and took a deep breath signalling that he wasn't very happy.

"Why the hell are you harassing her?!"

"I was-..." He cut me off by putting his hand up telling me he wasn't done talking.

"You know something has to be done right? I can't allow you to carry on and abuse your position. I don't have those kind of officers in my station. Do you understand?!"
I kept quiet not sure if it was a rhetorical question but the look he gave me cleared things up.

"Yes, but sir I-..."

"Listen I don't want to hear your excuses. Your suspended, do you understand?"

"But sir I would never do anything like that, ask James."

I looked at James for help but didn't find any, he kept his head down and kept quiet.

"I need your badge and gun."

"Sir, you're making a mistake."

"The only mistake I made, was giving you a job."

He's words hurt like stones but knowing James didn't have my back hurt more. He was like the father figure I never had. I threw my badge and gun on the table and slammed the door after me as I left. A few officers stood and stared. I pushed a some out of the way as I walked.

I stood outside and waited for a taxi. James came up to me and apologised for not having my back.
"Sorry for that back there." He paused and a smile grew on his face. "My wife... She's pregnant and I really need this job. I'm sorry."

"No I get it, I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that, it wasn't right."

"That's okay, I had a word with the captain. I managed to get you a spot on the emergency hotline answering people, or whatever they're called."

I laughed at his description. "Thanks"

"Don't say I never do anything for you."
I smiled and thanked him again. He walked back into the station and a few minutes later my taxi arrived.

Before I got in Kate walked out of the station, she must have finished giving them her statement. I walked up to her, probably not helping my situation, but I was so angry.

"I promise you, I'll prove you did it."

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep officer, oh wait you aren't anymore are you?"

I laughed at her last comment. "That's why I made it." I said with a smirk entering my taxi.

I gave him my address and we were soon on the road.

I got to my moms house and payed the driver before walking in.


"Over here sweet heart."
I walked into the kitchen and smelt the food.

"Smells great." I said as I took off my jacket. "Sorry I came late, I got busy at work."

"That's okay, as long as you're here now." I smiled and took a seat. My mom dished out the food and I ate. Being so hungry and my moms cooking being so good I had seconds.

"Is it okay if I stay here tonight?"

"Yes, of course you're always welcome here. You know that." I smiled and she changed the subject.

"Jake when are you going to meet a girl and start your own family huh? I want to see my gran kids before I take a stand beside god."

"Mom, don't say that. And I've met a girl, it's just complicated right now."

"It's complicated" she murmured taking the p*ss out of me. I laughed and finished my food.

"Mom, let me help you tidy away."

"No need son. You must be tired from work. Go get some sleep I'll be fine."

"Okay" I smiled "good night" I kissed he on the cheek and made my way up stairs. I took off my shirt and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. My thoughts went back to Kate how do I make her look guilty? She knows how to shut up a cop. I rinsed out my mouth and went into the guest bedroom. I grabbed a pair of trousers and changed into them. I lay on my bed and my eyes eventually closed.

I opened my eyes and was blinded by the light from the window. I blinked a few times and waited for my eyes to adjust. I picked up my phone and looked at the time and realised I was late. I grabbed my clothes and didn't get a chance to have a shower because of how Late I was, the traffic didn't help either. Once I finally got there I was greeted by a women, I'm guessing she's the one in charge. "Sorry I'm late."

"Don't worry about it." She said with a smile as she adjusted my tie. She lead my to a computer. "This is where you'll work, answering the calls and things. You'll get the full training and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask, I would be more than happy to answer them." She gave me my login details.

"There you are." She smiled and left to help another rookie. She didn't seem that friendly, she swore a couple times and gave dirty looks like the ocean gives waves.

The chair was a spongy spinning one. I adjusted the height of the chair and span around a few times while the computer loaded. Why not have fun right?

It was boring, literally the most exciting thing that happened was a women called and said someone stole her car from the car park but it turns out she forgot she parked it in a different spot.
I learnt quiet a few cool tricks though, Useful ones too. I learnt how to track a call and all sorts of stuff. I was about to leave for home when the boss lady, Claire came up to me and asked if I wanted a drink.

"No thanks I'm heading home."

"I know this is a strange ask but could you drop me off home? My cars at the garage you see." She flashed her eye lashes and smiled.

"No sorry, I'm walking home." I took a paper and a pen from a near by desk and jotted down a number in there. "He's a number for a taxi." I smiled and handed it to her. She snatched it out my hand and gave me a dirty death glare as she passed. I kind of stood there confused not knowing what just happened.

"Okay" I whispered to myself as I tilted my head. I headed out and walked home. I took a shower and went to bed after drinking coffee, Kiera got me addicted to the stuff.

I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling, I started to realise how much I missed her. I was just glad I told her how I felt before she left.

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