Chapter 30

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Kiera's POV.

I sat in the waiting room until my name was called out. I smiled as I followed the nurse. I took a deep breath as I entered the room.

"Hello" she greeted. I took off my bag and replied "hello."

"How do you feel?"

"If I'm honest, nervous. I've been so stressed out the last couple of weeks, I just hope the baby's fine." 

"I'm sure it will be." She gave a reassuring smile. "If you would like to lay down for me please."

I walked further into the room and did as she said.


I unlocked the front door and was greeted by Jakes smile.
"How did it go?" He threw questions at me before I could even put my bag down.
"How's the baby."

I smile and replied "she's fine."

"It's a girl?"

"No, I don't know I just don't like calling her an it. I got a doctors note too, I get two weeks off work, because of stress." I took my coat off and Jake grabbed it as I took it off. "That should be enough time to sort everything out, right."

"Did you get pictures?"

"No." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. "Where's John?"


"He didn't go school?"

"No he had half a day, or something."

"Oh right." I put the glass back into the sink and made my way upstairs.

"I'm going to have a shower, and a quick nap." I yelled down to Jake.

"Okay" he yelled back up.

I walked into Johns room. "What you doing?"

"Playing this." He replied still zoned into the Xbox. 

"I have something to tell you."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I think you going to like this news, it's the best news we've had in a while."

"What is it?"

"You're going to have a little sister or brother, not sure yet."

He smiled and put down the controller. "Really?"

"Yeah." He continued to play and I grabbed a clean pair of clothes and jumped into the shower.

I wrapped a towel around my head and lay down on my bed. I didn't bother drying it.

"Mom" I heard John calling me.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Dinners done"

"It is?"

"Yeah" he replied with a proud smile. "I helped dad make it."

I slid off the bed and realised I still had the towel on my head. "Let me just dry my hair."

"Okay." He left the room and I grabbed the hair dryer and comb.

Once I had finished I made my way downstairs. I heard plates clashing and John and Jakes voices.

"What did you make?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Well" Jake started "I made pasta for me and John, and for you" he picked up a bowl and put it in front of me.
"This" I picked up the spoon and plopped it back in the bowl.

"What the hell is that?" I asked disgusted.

"I got the recipe off the internet it's for-" I stopped him from finishing he's sentence.

"I'm just going to have cereal."

"I made this because spice and stuff isn't good for the baby." John just stared at us in the back.

"Fine, I'll try it." I took a little on a spoon and pulled it up to my mouth and pulling away. I repeated this until I finally got the guts to actually put it in my mouth. It had no taste, it was just plain. I swallowed it but drank a glass of water after.

"That tastes horrible, no offence."

"Non taken"

"I'll just make porridge. It tastes way better then that." I looked at their faces and realised I just crushed all their joy. "Sorry."

"It's okay" John said "I told dad you wouldn't eat it. I just won the bet."

"What bet?" I asked as John slid another plate over.
"Try this." I took the spoon and scooped it up and put it in my mouth. "That tastes way better."
I looked towards Jake. "Johns a better cook than you."

"No, because that's literally just porridge."
He handed John £10 and he took it without hesitation. I ate the rest of my food and grabbed a glass of juice. I walked into the living room and sat on the sofa, Jake sat next to me as John cleaned the kitchen.

"Shouldn't you be resting." I asked as he put his arm behind me, on the sofa.

"No, I rest too much."

I gave him a puzzled look and said "how can you rest too much?"

"Easy. Sit on the sofa all day and just sleep for 8 hours a night then probably a couple more hours during the day. Man I miss running."

I gave him a smile and just sat with him and watched TV. I snuggled up to him but tried not to rest all my weight on him.

John finished cleaning and poked his head through the door. "I'm going back upstairs."

"Okay." I continued to watch TV. It was boring and nothing good was on. "So you've sorted out the solicitor right" I asked.

"Yeah, just the funeral to plan."

"Okay, I'll call a funeral director." I called the one on the internet, that me and John found.

I talked to them and asked about the coffins but I was asked to come into one of their branches so we agreed a time.

The next morning I woke up and pulled the curtains open I didn't make the bed just quickly got dressed to go see the funeral directors. I walked into Johns room and shook him a little, calling his name each time.

"What?" He mumbled still half asleep.
"I'm going to the funeral director today, do you want to come?"

"What about school?"

"I'll call them, and you can always get extra work."

"Okay, but can we avoid the extra work?"
I smiled "Come on, we're going to be late." He rolled out of bed and sat in the end of his bed. I walked out leaving him to get dressed etc.
Sorry, I know I haven't updated in a while, and this chapter is terrible, but I've had writer block and been busy with college. Plus I've never had to plan a funeral or been pregnant so I don't know how that stuff works. I've tried to search online but that wasn't any help. If anyone can help point me in the right direction your help will be much appreciated.
THANK YOU XxAnimal-LoverxX

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