Chapter 4

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~Lucy Wriston~

It's finally Friday which means we got our partners in English class.

Jada is my partner for English class so that means we will have it done and turned in 4 weeks before it's due. So I'm not worry about failing the class but we are doing a project on the Egyptians and how they built the pyramids.

But right now we are in art class getting partners soon for a art project.
I just hope me and Jada are partners for this project too but it's for the whole school year.

He is finishing calling out the people who will be being partnered with.

"Jada and bobby" I look up and give her a sad face because she's being partners with Bobby the other school nerd but he isn't picked on like me.

It's a surprise that Sophie hasn't said anything to me this week which is odd but who cares I'm happy that she hasn't bother me.

"Alex and Lucy" I look up to stare at the teacher to make sure I heard him right. I didn't realize that Alex was in this class.

"Yes you heard me right. Now Alex move to the her table to talk about what your gonna do for the project." He tells us both as Alex gets up to move to my table.

He sits in the seat where Jada would usually sit but since she's partnered with someone else he sits there.

Ugh I hate my life. Why must I be partnered with this asshole.

"So what are we gonna do?" Alex asks me which surprise me I didn't think he actually did any of his work that he turns in. "I have an idea but that means using watercolors, clay, white cardboard, and some paint too." I tell him as I write the supplies down on a piece of paper in which I hand it to him.

"If you have any of that make sure you have it with you when you come over after school." I tell him as I put my art stuff away.

"Umm...I can't do that maybe we can work on the project at my house after school." Alex says scratching the back of his neck looking at me.

"And why is that may I ask?" I say raising my right eyebrow up. "Because okay just be at my house at 3 to start the project." He says as he writes his address down for me. He hands me the paper as the bell rings. He walks right out the room without letting me get another word in before he left.

"Yo what's got his panties in a twist?" Jada says as we walk out the class room. Most of the kids are gone now so no one will see me getting in my car.

"I'm not sure but he didn't like the idea of coming to my house to start the project. He wants me to go to his house at 3 because he wouldn't give me a reason." I tell her as I'm about to get in the car.

"Oh okay will I see you sunday Chica to go to the mall for shopping, bye" She says as she waves bye getting into her car. She has the same one as mine but silver.

I drive home to find my father hoke early. That's odd he doesn't usually get home early.

I park my car and turn it off. I leave my stuff in the car besides my phone and keys.

I walk into the house to find my father with a women. He doesn't look so happy so I slam the door getting both of their attention.

"Hello, who may you be?" I say with a fake smile on my face trying not to slap this bitch. She looks like a whore with the tight dress making your areas pop out in most places. Which is really ew and nasty.

"Well I'm your aunt Mary sweetface." She says patting my cheek with her hand. No one touches my face. I smack her hand away. "Don't touch me with your dirty hands, I don't want to know where they were at." I tell her as I'm glaring at her now.

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