Chapter 12

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~ Lucy Wriston ~

"How'd you do all of that?" Alex finally asks after I lay on his comfortable bed. "I took classes for self defense as a kid growing up." I explained to him as I struggled my shoulders. It's not a big deal until you hear what I'm capable of doing but he won't find out that. "Okay but that was so amazing I've never seen anyone stand up to him like that." He says spinning in his chair as his desk.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him getting really curious about everything here. "Well you see - I - I'm not sure how to explain to this and I don't really want to talk about it" Alex says scratching the back of his neck looking really uncomfortable about my question. I let it go as we get to work on the project some more.

"I'm sorry for asking it's not my business." I say as I hand some clay for kids. I have some for when I want to use it or if one of the kids I babysit asks to play with some. "It's alright let's get some more work done on this." Alex says handing me some tools and clay to craft other wolf.

"And I'm sowwy about Thomas. He is sick in the head." Alex says stabbing the clay. "It's alright he should learn his lesson now but I don't trust him around Thomas at all." I say to Alex mush the clay so that I can work with it more.

"That's why I have a close friend who knew my mother to watch him while I'm at school." Alex says getting up from his chair grabbing some more tools before sitting back down. "Okay cool. You should bring him with you when we work on the project some more at my house." I say to Alex as I look at Dean having a blast with the clay. "Alright I'll do that but let's finish some of this before Thomas wake up." Alex says crafting at the clay.

I get to crafting at my clay to make it form as a wolf running. It'll take a while but I'll get it right. I focus on the head of the wolf before I get to the body that'll take a little longer but it's worth it. Alex orders some pizza for all three since pervert is still knocked out from. It's only been an hour that I knocked him out. He deserved it for treating me the way her did. I still gonna shower when I got him.


* 3 Hours Later *

I finally got the wolf done since the are about 6 inches long for the project. "I'm sorry for earlier." Thomas says finally being as to walk. He woke up about thirty minutes ago but he still couldn't move at all until now. He still looks pissed and irritated from earlier but who care, I don't. "It's whatever." I say waving my hand for him to leave the room. I could till he was making Alex and Dean very uncomfortable with him there.

"That was awkward, I should be getting home now." I say getting up from my seat walking over to Dean to give him a hug before I leave. "I'll walk you out." Alex says walking behind me as we get closer to my car. I get in to find Alex still looking at me. "I still want to know how you got this car." He asks still being confused on how I could afford it. "It's a secret." I say pulling out to the road.

I got home to find James and my uncle passed out on the couch and my dad in the kitchen. "Hey daddy." I say kissing his cheek before going up to my room. "We need to talk to tomorrow about your uncle and cousin." My dad says to me. "Okay goodnight." I say walking to my room.

I grab my pj's and a clean bra and panties. I need to feel clean all the way. I get in and wash what I need to before getting out and drying off. I get dress in my shorts and tanktop. I dry my hair off some more then drop my towel into the basket. I walk into my room to find Jada sitting on my bed.

"I was wondering what you were going to tell me that one day and it's been bugging me for not know what to is." She says being upset. "It's something that only my dad know that I do and you have to keep it a secret, do you promise that you can keep this secret" I ask taking her hands in mine. "Yes I can I promise." She says less upset now.

"It's don't know how to really say this but I'm a secret ninja/assassin for the CIA." I tell her I finally feel a weight lift off my shoulders. "That's so awesome." She says getting off the bed looking around the room. "What are you looking for?" I ask getting curious to find out. "A secret door ever secret ninja/assassin has a secret room." She says as she looking more around the room. She is true about that I think as I get up from my bed to a cross room to open the secret door.

I turn around to find a gasping Jada looking even more excited them before. She walks over to my desk where I have my files. I watch her open to file up. "Why do you have Ms Stone's files?" Jada asked me confused.

"Well you see I think she is up to something since the day we went to see her for your first appointment so I looked into some of files but I couldn't find anything wrong until I found out that she can't have kids and that ever women that was pregnant and came to her, she would tell them to get an abortion since most of them had bad lives already or couldn't take care of the baby but those women went to a different doctor to have the babies. I looked even farther to find out some of those women have better lives since they had the kid and I think she is the one who ordered for you to get hit by that man." I explained to her to make sure that she fully understand what's happening to the fullest. I didn't want her to feel left out anymore she needs to know.

"Alright that's explains why she wasn't happy about my being pregnant at dinner the one time when you snapped at her about it." She says putting the pieces together as she looks me. I nod my head yes to her when she finally gets what I'm saying.

"Alright that's enough for me tonight let's got to sleep." She says smiling at me as we get into my bed to sleep. "I'm gonna sleep here for tonight." She says laying next to me. "Okay that's fine goodnight." I say closing the secret door and plugging my phone in to the charger. I hear Jada say 'goodnight' before falling asleep. I lay on my pillow as I get really tired falling a sleep.

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MoonLight_Lady ( Brit ) : ] ♡ ☆

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