Chapter 20

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*Few Days Later*

~Lucy Wriston~

My dad has been home only to try and do work. I had to basically ground him from work till the doctor says he is good to go.

Let's just say my dad wasn't too happy with me. He gave me the puppy face to try and make me let him work. It didn't work so he is sitting in the living room giving me the silent treatment.

So Jada and I decided to go to the mall since my boss gave me a call saying that Ms. Stone and my so called mother has a meet up with each other. Jada has already went out to the car after getting us some lunch.

Right now I'm close by at where they are meeting in 'Barnes & Noble'.

I walk into the store as I get my eye buds in to seem like I'm a normal teenager. I walk farther in the store to the adult an teen books close by them enough to where they are think of my as a nosy kid.

I look for all the Harry Potter books, The Maze Runner Series Complete Collection, and The Mortal Instruments Complete Collection: City of Bones; City of Ashes; City of Glass; City of Fallen Angels; City of Lost Souls; City of Heavenly Fire. I finally found the books I wanted to get but I continue to act like I was looking for more books as the two come this way.

'The nurses at the hospital has told me that he already went home.' Ms. Stone whispers.

'Damn it, how are we gonna get him now because I have a feeling that he isn't going to come willingly.' My so called mother whispers back.

'If his stupid child didn't get in the way we wouldn't have had this problem, now would we?' Ms. Stone whispers yells.

'She working for someone who has trained her really well what it seems like. We just have to find way to get her to leave Jada and her father alone for sometime to get them both.' Ms. Stone whispers. I act like I'm still looking at books before walking away from the book shelves because Ms. Stone yells over at me thinking I'm listening to them until she see's take my phone out with my ear buds in.

I walk away with my head down and books in my arms. I was up to the check out counter to pay. I take my card out to pay the amount before leaving the store.

I got two of the book collection for Jada for Christmas since it's coming up soon.

But I'm making thanksgiving dinner in two days from now it's gonna be fun because John, Alex and his little brother is coming over for dinner.

I get to the car to see Jada singing to the radio. "Are you having fun?" I ask her only to get a screaming Jada. "The look on your face was so funny" I say to her putting my seat belt on. "Shut up your a meanie" She says in a pouty face crossing her arms over hee chest. "You'll get over it because you love me" I say to her as I drive back home.

We get home to find my dad past out on the couch.

He must've been tired from this morning.

It's been a few hours now everyone already ate dinner. We are trying to figure out what movie we should watch tonight.

Our choices are the Maze Runner, Star Wars, or the Transformers. And no one will decide on what we will watch it's getting really annoying hearing them argue. "Either you pick a damn movie or I pick the movie" I say angrily at the them.

Let's just say all four of them looked at me like I was nuts. Jada, John, Alex, and Alex's little brother Dean since his stepfather Thomas is at their house drunk and doesn't want to be there so I said they could come over an stay for a few days. "Okay fine let's take a vote." I say to them all.

I hear a from that they want to watch the Star Wars movie. "Alex put the movie in while I make the popcorn." I say walking into the kitchen.

I put the pack in the microwave before grabbing two big bowls for the popcorn. Once the first bag is done I put the second one in the microwave. I open the bag dumping it in one of the bowls as I wait for the second one to finish.

The microwave finally beeps signaling it done popping. I put the popcorn in the other bowl so that I can throw away both bags before walking out the kitchen with both bowls.

I hand a bowl to Jada for her and John and the other one for Alex, his brother, and I. John pushes play for the movie to start. This is gonna be a fun night for us.

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