Chapter 3

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~Lucy Wriston~

Ugh, I woke up an hour before my alarm clock went off and couldn't go back to sleep. So I showered and made some coffee and breakfast because my father is getting up any minute now.

I placed some bacon and eggs on our plates. I place the plates on the table so that I could grab a cup of orange juice. After that, I sit at the table and start eating as my father comes into the kitchen and grab some coffee that I made.

Once I finished cleaning up my mess, I put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher. "Goodmorning," My father says to me as I walk back up the stairs to my room to change.

I find a pair of purple skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a black and purple button-up shirt. I get the dress in my clothes. I look into the full body mirror to see how I looked in which I looked good.

I grab my phone, bookbag, and hoodie to go downstairs. I clean my glasses leans before I walk out of the room.

I miss my dad goodbye on the cheek and walk out the door to my car.

Once I'm in the car I turn the radio on to find Break My Heart is on by Victoria Duffield.

I start to humming as I drive out the drive away.

Before the light turns I see Alex Woods of all people. I groan in my seat knowing he'll find out about me driving my car. I wanted to keep it a secret a little be longer but knowing him he'll say shit about it.

But if he does try and say something I could just kick his ass easily with the self-defense classes I took.

I turn the radio up louder as I make it into the school parking.

Once I'm parked I turn the car off. I put my hoodie on before I get out the car. I grab my bag, keys, and phone, I get out and lock the door.

I turn to see if anyone was near but no one was around, everyone must have made into the school.

I walk into the school and straight to my locker to find Jada sipping on ice coffee waiting for me.

"Hey, Chica," I say poking her forehead. If I haven't explained to you want Jada looks like She about the same with me besides the eyes she has bright blue eyes.

We've done almost ever together. We meet after my mother left she didn't care about that I only had one parent plus she liked most of the things I did.

"Just waiting for you and we go to first period today so we have English. It's so boring in there." She whines about the class we have with Ms. Potter. She's has been here at the school forever, she probably in her late 50's I think.

"It won't be that bad as long you do want your supposed to do," I tell her as we walk into the class where our seats are sitting down.

Soon as the bell rings students come running in to get to there seats.

"Hello class, I will be giving you partners for a project on Fridays class. I already have your partners picked out for you. And copy the notes as I write." Ms. Potter says as she starts writing notes on the board.

I take my notebook and pencil out and start writing the notes done.


It's lunchtime now. They are serving pizza and fries today. I'm waiting in line with my food to pay.

After I pay I sit at the table with Jada. She's talking to the Travis. Travis is about 5'12 he is built like Alex but he is a nerd. He has gray eyes.

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