Chapter 14

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~ Lucy Wriston ~

Turns out that Ms. Stone is pregnant and I know for a fact that it's not my fathers because both of my parents had trouble conniving me that's another reason why I'm only child.

It's gonna be funny when she tries an tells me dad that she's pregnant. I've got prof that she hasn't been faithful. I had Kelly call a private investigator to follow her around for a couple weeks ago. Turns out that she has been sleeping with that Paul guy that caused the accident that Jada was hit in.

I've got prof and pictures to show my father if she straights up and lies to him.

I'm just leaving lunch now but it's was really weird that Alex wanted to sit with Jada and I at our table. I don't care if his aunt is my boss an want him to watch over us but I'm pretty capable of handing things.

I walk over to my locker to put my books away since my finish the homework for night. As I unlock it to feel someone watching me so I act cool like it's nothing as I put away my books and close my locker.

I walk around the corner to get the person to follow me once I do that I turn around to find no one there. "Alex I told you to following me around." I say gritting my teeth looking around the hallway. "Sorry to say this but I'm not Alex." I hear a low male voice say from behind me.

"Then who are you?" I say turning around looking at this mystery guy. I take in this guy's look. He's dressed in all black with a leather jacket. I can't see his face because of of his hood slightly covering his face like he is hiding. "I'm kole and I've been watching you for some time. I just came to warn you who your messing with." He say with no emotion at all finally looking up at me. His eyes are brightest blue ever. They look to hold so many thing. I stare into his eyes only to start wondering about him.

"Lucy where are you?" I hear Alex say from a far when I look from kole to respond to Alex "I'm right here I was just talking to..." I start saying when I turn around to find Kole gone. How'd he do that so fast with me not hearing him make a sound.

"Who were you talking to?" Alex says walking closer to me. "He was just here a minute ago then just as I was about to turn around he was gone." I say walking away from Alex to go my free period or something. "There wasn't anyone there when I got over to you." Alex says being confused as he runs to catch up to me.

"Just leave it alone Alex and go to class." I say walking away from him as he yells my name for me to come back.

I know I'm not crazy. There was someone freaking there, a real living person I'm gonna find out who this person is.

I feel my phone vibrant in my back pocket. I open my lock screen to see I have a text from my uncle. Something doesn't seem right if he is texting me. I look at the text to find this:

Something happened to James when I was in the kitchen printing school papers to enroll him for school. He just disappeared out of know where. I think your mother knows I'm in contact with you and your dad now. I need help looking for him like now please.

He sounds really stressed out. I really need to get Jada now since this came up.

I walk into Jada's class she has since we have to leave. Once I get in there all heads turn to me. " Yes Ms. Wriston?" Mr. D says looking at me confused. "Sorry sir but I need Jada to come with me it's a family emergency." I say sounding a little scared.

"I didn't know Jada was related to you." Ms. D says surprised at my words I'm guessing. "Yes it's a long story on how she is but sir we really need to go like now." I say rushing out my words. He ways his hand for Jada to leave as he turns back to his blackboard.

I explain everything that my uncle texted me before getting her. She wasn't happy to hear what happened and that women would do something so stupid.

We rush out to my car to get to my house to find a police officer car out side my house. I turn the car off to see my uncle coming over to us as we get out the car.

"Do you really think it was that so called mother of mine would kidnap James?" I ask whisper to him. "Yes because she has been threatening me for over almost tens about that she would take him away from me." He explains trying not to cry. I pull him into a hug to have him break down in tears.

"I'll find him I promise." I say to him before taking Jada in the house. It's not safe for anyone to be outside right now. "Just let's go inside and I'll make dinner early night." I say as I make both of them sit on the couch.

I walk to the kitchen to find something odd. I need to have all rooms in this house checked now. I walk back into the living room. "Check all the rooms in the house now, there is something odd about the house. Try and find something odd that no one would see out of place." I say to the both of them as I walk up to my room to find something odd.

Someone has been in here touching my stuff. I grab my phone out my pocket to look at the video camera to see what happened here in the house.

It's very interesting to find unknown man and a women in my house and room and James tied up in one of those men's arms. I send the video to my uncle so that my uncle and Jada can see this. I'm gonna find out where they are and get James back soon as possible.

I open my secret room to do some research about this people find out who they are and where they live.

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* Author's Note *

I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I just started college two weeks ago but I'm trying to get as much writing down to update chapters.

I hope you like this chapter.

MoonLight_Lady ( Brit ) : ] ♡ ☆

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