Chapter 16

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~Lucy Wriston~

It's been about a week since we got James back. To find out that my uncle bought the house from my neighbors who's kid I use to babysit. So he'll be living across from me for now on.

I over heard him talking to my dad about that he is going to stay for good now because he wants James to know his other family if something happens or comes up.

I've been talking to Jada about telling John about the baby since she's getting a little bigger each week or so. She told me that she would invite him over for dinner and have Alex come with him but have Alex's brother Dean can come too. Since she knows how his stepfather is.

Right now I'm typing away at my laptop in my secret room. I'm updating my boss about how it went with getting James back and that there hasn't been any missing pregnant women yet.

I get an email back saying.

Just keep up doing what your doing. Keep a close eye on Jada and Alex will be around you and her more. Plus he'll also update me about what's going on too.

Oh bring Jada in with you next time you come into the office please.


It's gonna be a long day. My dad is gonna be out with his crazy bitch of a girlfriend, and my uncle and James are going out to the movies to see minions movie. But I still have to see what Jada and I are going to do.

I get up from my chair to hide my secret room because I'm going down stairs where Jada is at.

I walk downstairs to find Jada smiling at her phone. "Now who are you texting?" I say behind her to see her jump up from the couch like she seen a ghost. "Umm...No one" She says trying to lie.

I look at her giving her the look Really-your-gonna-try-that-with-me as I cross my arms waiting for her to tell me the truth. "Ugh fine it John I asked him to come over for dinner and to bring Alex and Dean with him. And he agreed to come over tonight." She says getting nervous.

"Alright go get ready since I'm already dressed and I'll make dinner." I say rushing her up the steps before walking into the kitchen.

* 2 Hours Later *

I've finished making the mac and cheese and chicken tenders for Dean. And chicken Alfredo for everyone else but I think everyone will probably have some of each. I also made Jada and I's favorite chocolate cake for everyone too.

They should be here any minute. I walk out the kitchen to find Jada looking pretty nervous.

"Hey look at me. It'll be alright I promise I'm here for you and if he starts being an asshole I'll kick his ass." I say getting a smile from her to hear a knock at the front door. "Can you go set the table please I didn't have time when I was cooking?" I ask her before opening the door. I hear her go into the kitchen.

I open the door to find all three boys are dressed in nice clothes. "Well y'all seem to know how to dress nice." I tell them. I get to eye level with Dean to get a hug from the little monster.

"Y'all can come in just follow me to the dinner table." I say to them we walk to the table. " I made some of everything I made I hope y'all like to eat. And I made some food just for Dean unless he wants some of what we are having." I explain to them I have them sit at the table to get ready to eat.

This is kinda awkward I think to myself. "Okay let's eat dinner." I tell everyone. I look over at Alex to find him servings Dean his food first. That's sweet.

We finishing eating in silence but Dean seems to still be eating. "I go get the cake I made." I say getting up from the table walking into the kitchen. I grab the cake off the corner to walk into feel the tension in the room. Wow! These is bad. I place the cake on the table since I've already cut the cake in sections for everyone.

Once everyone gets a slice it seems to lighten up the tension a bit. "Okay John I need to tell you something important." She says looking around him nervous but he just looks confused at her words. "Okay what is it then?" He asked seeming more confused as he drinks some of he soda. "Okay I'm just going to come out with it, I'm pregnant with your child." She says rushing it out to find John looking like he is about to piss himself. "How is that possible? Are you sure it's mine?" He says trying to get himself together.

"Yes damn it. It's your child your the only one that I ever slept with." She says yelling at him as she takes deep breaths. I think she's having a panic attack. I walk over to make sure she relaxes for the baby. "This can't be happening but it's not possible." He says looking really panic too.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I ask him getting upset with him. "Well I was told at a young age that I wouldn't be able to have kids from having my balls being ran over by a kid on a bike. So when the kid next door didn't see me on the ground going through my yard on my bike ramp cause my balls to unable to reproduce. Which was hard for me to take to find out I wouldn't be able to have kids in the future." He says running his hands through his hair.

"So your implying that it can't be your child since you can't have any." I say to him after I get Jada calmed down. I look over at him to see him nod at me. "Well I'm gonna tell you this once because it's been proven to happen. There is in fact a chance of a person like you to have a miracle child so if you really need a stupid DNA test then fine we will get one." I said to him pissed. Who the hell does he think he is? the freaking king of Egypt or something. Ugh! I walk into the kitchen to grab some more ice tea to drink.

I walk back into the room to find John to be crying, Jada telling him that he was the only guy she slept with ever to see Alex taking Dean to the living room. "Just put on some cartoons long enough for this to get over. But if it takes too long there is a guest room that you and Dean can sleep in since it's a Friday night." I explain to him before he walked out the room.

"Alright now what's gonna happen from here?" I ask the both of them clapping my hands together. "Well I talk to her and I think I'm gonna try give it a shot." He explains to me. He seems to be very nervous. "Alright you better John or else, got it?" I say in a low voice to scare him. He nods his head eagerly with a scared face.

"Alright now everyone need to go in the living room so that I can clean." I explain to those two since Alex and Dean are in the living room already.

I need to text my father about my having friends stay the night. I grab my phone out of my pocket to see that that I have a message from my father. I was just gonna text him.

The text from him said.

Dad: Hey I won't be home I'm gonna be staying at Ms. Stones for the night.

Me: Alright dad I'm gonna have some friends stay the night.

Dad: Okay that's fine. Goodnight.

I put my phone back in my pocket so that I could clean. After a while I finally got the left over food in the refrigerator and all the dishes in the dish washer to clean over night.

I walk into the living room to find everyone asleep on the couches. I have like 3 of them in the living room so it was enough for everyone. I grab some blankets for all of them so that I could cover them. The last of them all I cover Alex and Dean up but before walking up to my room I snap a picture of the two of them sleeping. The picture is Alex laying on his back with Dean laying on top of his chest asleep that's cute.

I walk up to my room shutting the door behind me. I'm so tired. I get ready for bed putting on basketball shorts and a tank top. I hop onto my bed to plug my phone up to the charger and turning my light out. I get covered up to fall asleep in my comfortable bed.

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