Chapter 7

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~ Alex Woods ~

I'm taking Dean to the park today. He has been asking me to take him since Thomas left for his business trip. So I decided to take him today. That's where we are heading to now. He is so happy to be going.

"Dean stay where I can see you, got it?" I ask him getting eye level. "Okay I will I promise." He says poking my forehead with a smile. "You can go play now." I say to him to see him running to the play ground. I watch him play with some other kids that are around his age playing tag.

A women comes walking over to me. She looks about in her late 20's with a baby stroller with a baby girl about 2 years old with bright green eyes and blonde her like her mother. "Your son is so adorable." She says sitting down next to me on the bench giving the baby a teether. "Oh he isn't my son, he is my younger brother I take care of." I tell her as I look at her to see the shocked look.

"But he looks so much like you. I'm Molly and this is my daughter Sammy and my son name is Bobby." She says to me playing with the baby and looking around for her son to make sure he is on the play ground.

I look up to see Dean running over to me with tears in coming down his face. "Hey buddy what's wrong?" I ask him as I whip his face. "I got pushed down the slide and landed on my wrist when I fell, my wrist is hurting a lot." He says trying not to cry as he shows me his wrist. I look at his wrist to see that it's swollen with a little purple color around it.

"Let's take you to the kid hospital to get it looked at." I tell him as I pick him up in my arms so that I can get to tge car faster. "I have to go bye Molly have a nice evening I'm taking him to the hospital to get his wrist checked to make sure it's not broken." I tell her as I hurry up to the car getting my keys out.

I put him in he seat making sure his seat belt is on before I start the car after I put my seat belt on. I make my way to the emergency room. I park the car in the parking lot.

I get him out the car making sure I has his insurance card and the stuff he is allergic too just in case because I know they will probably ask for it once I get in there. I check him in so that he could see the doctor at the kid hospital.

I wait for a good hour before they brought us back to the exam room to take X rays on his wrist. To find out that it is just have some bruising in the tissue and it's sprained. So he has to wear a ace bandages for couple weeks.

We are in the car now. "We are going to go pick up something to eat. Is there anything you want for dinner Dean?" I ask him before I pull out the parking lot making sure his and my seat belt is on. "I want McDonald's Alex." He says with a smile on his face when I look in the rear mirror to look at him. I nod my head okay making my way to McDonald's.

I pull through the drive through to order. I order him a kids meal and me chicken stripes for me with on chocolate milk and a water.


We get home to eat our food and to play some xbox one for awhile. But not a game that would hurt his wrist more as he plays.

It's fun spending time with my little brother when Thomas is out on business because he isn't here bitching about us spending time together. I believe he has family problems with his parents.

Dean and I are playing some basketball game on xbox to see who can win. He wants to stay up late but we both know he doesn't stay up passed nine o'clock.

~ Lucy Wriston ~

I stop at the pizza play to get some paste for dinner I got enough for five people but I'm on my way home to see Jada and my father at the house. I park my car in the driveway leaving my bag in the car only to grab my phone and keys and the paste.

The only time I find Jada here before me is bad. And she wasn't at school today either so I'm guessing she told her parents what happened and didn't like the ideal of her having a baby.

I run in to the house to see Jada crying on the couch. I see my dad walking over to me. "Lucy what's wrong with Jada she won't tell me anything." My father says to me. I guess I have to tell him now. "She pregnant and I'm guessing her parents didn't take the news really well." I tell him as I go in the kitchen to get a bowl to put paste in it for Jada.

"I'm fine with her moving into the house she more then welcome because she's like a second daughter to me and you know that. I'm fine with her having a baby to. So set her in the room next to yours and we'll get the baby room set up soon so that when the baby does come in a couple months it'll be ready. I'm gonna be a grandpa." My father tells me as I walk out the kitchen to take the bowl of paste to Jada.

"Hey Chica I got some food for you to eat and everything will be fine I promise." I tell her I as whip her faces cleans from the tears. "My parents want me to get a abortion because they don't want to be raising a kid and thought I would drop out of school if I have the baby. I kept telling them that I would be raising the kid and keep going to school but the wouldn't listen so they kicked me out till I get rid of the baby. I can't do that I already promised my baby that I would be good mommy to him or her when she comes." She says crying some more, I pull her into a hug and rub her back to calm her down.

"Hey you have a place to stay here with the baby dad has already said you can stay in the room next to mine and we'll to the baby room soon too. Plus he was jumping up and down about being a grandpa." I tell her as I pull her away from me to see her give me a small smile.

"Are you sure you guys are okay with me and the soon to be here baby in a couple months." She asks me in a sad voice. "Yes we are now cheer up and eat you have us to support you and the baby. You have an appointment this Friday for the baby I called during lunch time to get you one." I tell her as I get up to get me some paste.

I grab a bowl to see my dad has already made a bowl for me. So I walk out the kitchen to the living room to put on a Disney Princess movie for us.
I look over to Jada to see she was eating and watching the movie. She seemed to look a lot happier to know that we are here for you and that she has has a place to stay.

"We are getting your stuff from your parents house tomorrow so we aren't going to school I'll get my dad to change the address for school saying you live here now and that I'll having him write you a sick note for both days." I tell her as I cover myself up with a blanket from the couch. "Alright that's fine with me." She says to me laying her head on my shoulder since she already has finished eating before me.

I finish my food to put my bowl on the table in front of me. I start yawning to look over finding Jada asleep. She looks so at peace and relaxed. I grab a blanket and cover her up to fall asleep myself.

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