Chapter 19

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~Lucy Wriston~

"Let's go find out who this crazy women is." I said before walking in to the room to find out who was in the room with my dad....

I walk in to see not one but two people who I don't want to see at all. "YOU!!" I said angry and irritated as I walk I'm pointing my finger at the both of them. They look up at me with surprise on there face like they didn't think I would get past the nurse. Ha that's what they think. "The both of you have no right to be." I say crossing my arms. Ms. Stone and my so called mother just sat there with fake emotions on there face looking between my father and me. They make me sick with this fake show that they have on.

"You both need to leave now or I remove you myself." I say through my clutch teeth. "You know I still care." My so called of a mother says in a low enough for me to hear. "No you don't because if you ever did you wouldn't have cheated, Left and got remarried leaving the child and husband behind. So if you asking me if I'm going to ever forgive well you are wrong. I meant it when I said I never wanted to see you again all those years ago." I say with irritation in my voice.

She leaves only to mumble some none nice words behind her. I turn to Ms. Stone with irritated look on my face. "Cut the water works I know they are fake and that you been cheating on my father too plus I know that baby isn't his either." I say walking up to her getting loud with my voice. I know there could be a chance my dad could wake or be hearing this but I can't stand to have either one of them in here or near my father.

"Fine you caught me I did cheat and the baby isn't his but I did have feeling for him at one point in the beginning until my ex came back into the picture. I was planning to tell your father that the child is his but no you had to ruin everything I've planned." She said getting up angrily stumping out the room.

"Well that was interesting to watch." Jada says sitting down next to my dad's bedside. My father has alway though of Jada as another daughter since she was alway around not wanting to go home. "Just seeing the both of them in the room made me so annoyed and irritated." I say leaning more into my chair. "Yeah I know they have no right to tell the nurse something like that." I say looking at my dad.

"I need you to go tell the nurse that both of the women that was in here are no allow near this room or my father, If she doesn't listen threaten her job." I say to Jada before hearing the door close behind her. I lean back in my chair to hear a groaning from my dad.

I look at my dad to see him looking straight at me. "Your finally awake." I say taking his hand in mine. "I heard everything just now." My father says with pain in his voice. "I'm sorry dad I was going to tell you but you were shot and you have a few broken ribs." I say to him getting up from my sit. He tried to sit up only to groan in pain. "I'm gonna go get the doctor" I say after I help him sit up.

I walk out the room to see Jada and the doctor walking together. "Doctor my father has woke up and he is in a lot of pain." I tell the doctor before walking back to my room with Jada. Jada is about five months now and she pretty big for someone who is pregnant some times I think she could be having twins or something.

"John is going to pick me up soon for my appointment I have today." She says as we walk into the room to find the nurse in here already to see the doctor walk in behind us. "Hello, Mr. Wriston it seems everything is look as it supposed to be. Your wounds are healing great and you should be able to go him in a few days now." The doctor says before walking out the room.

"Girls I want you to know that nothing will come in the way of me being around. Plus I'm not ready to leave my little girls without me. And I had a feeling something wasn't right about Ms. Stone. So it was a good thing I heard what was going on to know that she was lying to me." My father says as we hug him.

"Well uncle Justin was going to help me tell you as well as Jada was too over dinner the night you got shot but we are just glad that your safe and alive." I say to my father as I sit.

My dad turns the TV on for us to see on the news that there was another man that help shot my dad was arrested but they can't find the only guy since he left the country right after it happened.

I think it's time to make someone seem like they are going crazy. I'm gonna call in some help from someone on my team that specializes in making someone to go crazy later. This should really be fun.

John came an got Jada from the hospital. My dad and him had a talk about Jada saying that he better take care of kid that's coming into this world soon. And that he better get to see his grandchild treat with care and love from him or else. The look on John face said it all that he was scared now.

His face was priceless to see. But my dad started laughing at him. They left so they weren't late to her appointment. My uncle can by with James and talked for a little before having to leave to take James home for a nap lunch. I stayed a little longer before leaving to make sure they don't come back. I had my boss bring a bodyguard to guard my dad's room till he comes home. It's really been a good day to know my dad is going to be okay and to be able to come home in a few days.

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