Chapter 9

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~ Lucy Wriston ~

Ugh I hate getting up early on a Saturday. I'm already at work so that I can get this started for me to do my research on Ms. Stone.

I left my dad and Jada a note saying I went to work this morning to get some research done for my boss. It's only a little white lie that only I need to know plus it's supposed to be my day off until I get called for a job.

"Hello Ms. Lucy but what are you doing in today" My secretary asked as I walk into my office. Yes I have my own office, my boss through that It's a good idea that I have one of my own if I decide to come in for some work or research. I don't show my face often here so it's good to come in once in awhile. Kelly has brown eyes and curly hair. She's has dark skin color and she's about in her late 30's.

"I have some research to do and can you go get me some ice coffee and donuts please Kelly." I say sitting in my comfortable chair. I bought everything in this room.

Kelly comes back with what I asked her to get. "Thank you so much. But I have a question to ask" I say to her as I sip my ice coffee. "What would you like to ask" She asked me as she stood in front of my desk. "Could you get me the information you found on Ms. Stone from the other day when I called please" I ask her before she walks out the room to grab the folder with the information.

She walks back in the room with a folder in her arms. I take it from her and motioned for her to sit in the chair in front of my desk. "I need your help with the person I'm researching. I want to look more into her background." I say to her as I eat my sprinkle donuts spinning in my chair. "Alright what do you want me to find?" She asks me as she stands up from the chair.

"Find anything that goes back to when she was in high school. I want everything you find and try and get it to me in a few hours please. Drop it off at my house when your done I have to get home to make sure that Jada is ready to go baby shopping." I say to her as I finish my donut and coffee. I throw my trash away to look at to find Kelly smiling at me. "I'll be right on it. And that's great news to find out on a day like this. Tell her I say congrats." She says walking out my office.

At least some people are happy about this. I get ready to leave when Kelly comes running in the office. "What is it Kelly?" I ask her when I rush over to her. "You won't believe what I found out." She says as her face turns to horror. "Your father called saying something happened to Jada that you need to get to the hospital and fast." She says to me. "Alright I'm leaving now just try and get the files to me and fast as you can." I tell her as I grab my stuff and run to down the stairs to get to my car faster.

I get to my car and drive to Duracell hospital making it there safely. I park my car in a parking space. I grab my purse putting my phone and keys in my purse.

I get to the front desk to ask the nurse where I can find out where Jada's room. I turn around because I heard someone call my name to see my father crying. "What happened dad?" I ask him trying to cry. "Someone ram into her car causing her to get severely hurt." He says pulling me into a hug.

"I need to see the doctor now." I say to the nurses walking to the front desk again. "Lady the doctor is busy right at this moment." The young nurse says to me typing away at the computer. "I'm gonna tell you this now if you don't get me a god damn doctor now or that pretty little face of yours won't be on your face anymore." I say grabbing her by her nurse outfit. "O-okay I'll get the doctor." She says trying to get out my hold. I let her go only to see her run down the hall to find a doctor.

I sit down next to my father in the waiting room till a doctor get here. "Did they say anything about if the baby is okay or anything else" I ask him only to get a little whisper of a no. "Mr. Wriston we have some new about Jada. She has a broken arm with a couple cuts and bruises that's all and the baby is perfectly fine no harm was done to the baby." The doctor says to the both of us. "And she can go home with you after she wakes up." The says walking us to her room which wasn't far from the waiting room. "Thanks doctor." I says walking over to Jada sitting in the seat next to her bed.


It's been about 3 freaking hours and we are still waiting for her to wake up. She looks terrible right now. I should've been home then this wouldn't have happened. I don't think this was a random act.

I get up from my chair and to the window. I take my phone out and dial Kellys number. "I need the police report from the accident today please." I say to her before I hang up the phone. When I'm done with my phone I put it away to find Jada sitting up in the bed confused. I walk over to her grabbing her hand. "Hey your finally awake. Everything is fine and so is the baby. You just have two broken bones that's all." I tell her as I see my father walk out to get the doctor and get the discharge papers too.

"Hello I'm Doctor Rucker, your good to go home but you need to rest for the baby and yourself. I'll see you in six weeks to take your cast off." He says as he signs the discharge papers my father handed to him.

I hand Jada the bag of clothes I had in my car for her since she alway left a bag in my car if she needed to change. I brought it in about an hour ago just in case she woke up. She takes the bags after I'm done helping her get off the bed to the bathroom. She shuts the door after I walk away to talk to my dad. "This wasn't an accident that happened and I'm gonna find out who did this. I'll see you at the house." I say to my father walking Jada out the room so that we could get to my car I had parked out front in the parking space.

"I'm gonna find out who did this I promise." I tell her as we drive home. "How are you gonna do that" She asks me as she rubs her tummy. "There is something I haven't told you that I've been meaning to tell you for awhile but when I tried to something would come up but I'll tell you what it is when I have everything I need from the accident to find out who caused it. I promise you I'm not in some gang or in anything illegal. I'll tell you soon." I tell her as I pull into the driveway. "Alright I believe you just get this son of a bitch in jail please." She says getting out the car going in the house.

I lock the car after I turn it off and get out grabbing my stuff. I walk in the house to find my father in the kitchen and Jada in the living room watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. I sit next to her only to have her lay her head on my lap falling asleep.

I've seen this episode a couple times. It's about when a 16 year old girl disappears from a party, and the people suspect the her boyfriend is involved with a local gang. It's a good one but I forgot who did it. I continue to watch the show.

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